Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 151 found.
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transform_position (Package: ggplot2) : Convenience function to transform all position variables.

Convenience function to transform all position variables.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: transform_position
● 0 images

stat_ellipse (Package: ggplot2) : Plot data ellipses.

The method for calculating the ellipses has been modified from car::ellipse (Fox and Weisberg, 2011)
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: stat_ellipse
● 0 images

position_dodge (Package: ggplot2) : Adjust position by dodging overlaps to the side.

Adjust position by dodging overlaps to the side.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: position_dodge
● 0 images

element_blank (Package: ggplot2) : Theme element: blank.

Theme element: blank. This theme element draws nothing, and assigns no space
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: element_blank
● 0 images

fortify.sp (Package: ggplot2) : Fortify method for classes from the sp package.

To figure out the correct variable name for region, inspect
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify.Line, fortify.Lines, fortify.Polygon, fortify.Polygons, fortify.SpatialLinesDataFrame, fortify.SpatialPolygons, fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, fortify.sp
● 0 images

benchplot (Package: ggplot2) : Benchmark plot creation time.

Benchmark plot creation time. Broken down into construct, build, render and draw times.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: benchplot
● 0 images

ggplot_build (Package: ggplot2) : Build ggplot for rendering.

ggplot_build takes the plot object, and performs all steps necessary to produce an object that can be rendered. This function outputs two pieces: a list of data frames (one for each layer), and a panel object, which contain all information about axis limits, breaks etc.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: ggplot_build, layer_data, layer_grob, layer_scales
● 0 images

margin (Package: ggplot2) : Define margins.

This is a convenient function that creates a grid unit object of the correct length to use for setting margins.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: margin
● 0 images

scale_size (Package: ggplot2) : Scale size (area or radius).

scale_size scales area, scale_radius scales radius. The size aesthetic is most commonly used for points and text, and humans perceive the area of points (not their radius), so this provides for optimal perception. scale_size_area ensures that a value of 0 is mapped to a size of 0.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: scale_radius, scale_size, scale_size_area, scale_size_continuous, scale_size_date, scale_size_datetime, scale_size_discrete
● 0 images

annotate (Package: ggplot2) : Create an annotation layer.

This function adds geoms to a plot. Unlike typical a geom function, the properties of the geoms are not mapped from variables of a data frame, but are instead passed in as vectors. This is useful for adding small annotations (such as text labels) or if you have your data in vectors, and for some reason don't want to put them in a data frame.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: annotate
● 0 images