Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 90 found.
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grid.grep (Package: grid) :

Given a gPath, find all matching grobs on the display list or within a given grob.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: grid.grep
● 0 images

grid.delay (Package: grid) : Encapsulate calculations and generating a grob

Evaluates an expression that includes both calculations and generating a grob that depends on the calculations so that both the calculations and the grob generation will be rerun when the scene is redrawn (e.g., device resize or editing).
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: delayGrob, grid.delay
1 images

grid.clip (Package: grid) : Set the Clipping Region

These functions set the clipping region within the current viewport without altering the current coordinate system.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: clipGrob, grid.clip
1 images

drawDetails (Package: grid) : Customising grid Drawing

These generic hook functions are called whenever a grid grob is drawn. They provide an opportunity for customising the drawing of a new class derived from grob (or gTree).
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: drawDetails, postDrawDetails, preDrawDetails
● 0 images

grid.refresh (Package: grid) : Refresh the current grid scene

Replays the current grid display list.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: grid.refresh
● 0 images

unit.rep (Package: grid) : Replicate Elements of Unit Objects

Replicates the units according to the values given in times and length.out.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: unit.rep
● 0 images

stringWidth (Package: grid) : Create a Unit Describing the Width and Height of a String or Math

These functions create a unit object describing the width or height of a string.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: stringAscent, stringDescent, stringHeight, stringWidth
● 0 images

unit.c (Package: grid) : Combine Unit Objects

This function produces a new unit object by combining the unit objects specified as arguments.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: unit.c
● 0 images (Package: grid) : Move or Draw to a Specified Position

Grid has the notion of a current location. These functions sets that location.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias:,, lineToGrob, moveToGrob
1 images

grid.add (Package: grid) : Add a Grid Graphical Object

Add a grob to a gTree or a descendant of a gTree.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: addGrob, grid.add, setChildren
● 0 images