Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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hash (Package: hash) : hash/associative array/dictionary data structure for the R language

Preferred constructor for the hash-class.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data, manip
● Alias: as.list.hash, hash, is.hash
● 0 images

.set (Package: hash) : assign key-value pair(s) to a hash

.set is an internal method for assigning key-value pairs to a hash. Normally, there is no need to use this function. Convenient access is provided by: hash, $, [ and [[ and their corresponding replacement methods.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data, manip, methods
● Alias: .set
● 0 images

hash-accessors (Package: hash) : Accessor methods for the hash class.

R style accesors for the hash-class.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data, manip, methods
● Alias: $,hash-method, $<-,hash,ANY,ANY-method, $<-,hash,ANY,NULL-method, $<-,hash,ANY-method, $<-,hash,NULL-method, $<-,hash,missing,NULL-method, $<-,hash-method, hash-accessors
● 0 images

has.key (Package: hash) : Test for existence of key(s) on a hash

has.key returns a logical vector as long as keys, indicating which keys are defined on the hash.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data, manip, methods
● Alias: has.key, has.key,ANY,hash-method, has.key-methods
● 0 images

keys (Package: hash) : Returns key(s) from a hash

Returns the key(s) from a hash
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data, manip, methods
● Alias: keys, keys,hash-method, keys-methods, names, names.hash
● 0 images

values (Package: hash) : Extract values of a hash object.

Extract values from a hash object. This is a pseudo- accessor method that returns hash values (without keys) as a vector if possible, a list otherwise.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data, manip, methods
● Alias: values, values,hash-method, values-methods
● 0 images

copy-methods (Package: hash) : Create a seperate copy of a hash object.

The copy hash method creates a independent copy of a hash object. Creating a copy using the assingment operator, <-, does not work as expected, since hashes are based on environments and environments are reference objects in R. The assignment operator consequently creates a linked copy to the original hash and not an independent copy. The copy method provides an identical unlinked copy of the hash.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: copy, copy,hash-method, copy-methods
● 0 images

hash-class (Package: hash) : Class "hash"

Implements a S4 hash class in R similar to hashes / associatesd arrays / dictionaries in other programming languages. Where possible, the hash class uses the standard R accessors: $, [ and [[. Hash construction is flexible and takes several syntaxes and all hash operations are supported.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: hash-class
● 0 images

length (Package: hash) : Returns the number of items in a hash

Returns the number of items in a hash
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: length, length,hash-method, length-methods
● 0 images

Format hash object for pretty printing (Package: hash) : Methods for Function format in Package 'hash'

Format a hash for printing.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: format, format,hash-method
● 0 images