Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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ForInternalUse (Package: lcmm) : For internal use only ...

For internal use only ...
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: .Contlcmm, .Ordlcmm, .plotbaselinerisk, .plotfit, .plotlinkfunctionmult, .plotlinkfuntion, .plotpostprob, .plotresid, .plotsurvival, factor.names, mixture, risq_spl, risqcum_spl
● 0 images

plot.predict (Package: lcmm) :

This function provides the class-specific predicted trajectories stemmed from a hlme, lcmm, multlcmm or Jointlcmm object.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: plot.predict, plot.predictL, plot.predictL.Jointlcmm, plot.predictL.lcmm, plot.predictL.multlcmm, plot.predictY, plot.predictY.Jointlcmm, plot.predictY.hlme, plot.predictY.lcmm, plot.predictY.multlcmm, plot.predictlink, plot.predictlink.Jointlcmm, plot.predictlink.lcmm, plot.predictlink.multlcmm
● 0 images

print.lcmm (Package: lcmm) :

The function provides a brief summary of hlme, lcmm,multlcmm or Jointlcmm estimations, and epoce or Diffepoce computations.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: print.Diffepoce, print.Jointlcmm, print.epoce, print.hlme, print.lcmm, print.multlcmm
● 0 images

VarExpl (Package: lcmm) :

The function provides the percentage of variance explained by the (latent class) linear mixed regression in a model estimated with hlme, lcmm, multlcmm or Jointlcmm.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: VarExpl, VarExpl.Jointlcmm, VarExpl.hlme, VarExpl.lcmm, VarExpl.multlcmm
● 0 images

plot.lcmm (Package: lcmm) :

This function produces different plots (residuals, goodness-of-fit, estimated link functions, estimated baseline risk/survival and posterior probabilities distributions) of a fitted object of class hlme, lcmm, multlcmm or Jointlcmm.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: plot.Jointlcmm, plot.hlme, plot.lcmm, plot.multlcmm
● 0 images

lcmm-package (Package: lcmm) :

Functions for the estimation of latent class mixed models (LCMM), joint latent class mixed models (JLCM) and mixed models for curvilinear and ordinal univariate and multivariate longitudinal outcomes (with or without latent classes of trajectory). All the models are estimated in a maximum likelihood framework using an iterative algorithm. The package also provides various post fit functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: lcmm-package
● 0 images

plot.cuminc (Package: lcmm) :

This function displays the predicted cause-specific cumulative incidences derived from a joint latent class model according to a profile of covariates.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: plot.cuminc
● 0 images

fitY (Package: lcmm) :

The function computes the marginal predictions of the longitudinal outcome(s) in their natural scale on the individual data used for the estimation from lcmm, Jointlcmm or multlcmm objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: fitY, fitY.Jointlcmm, fitY.lcmm, fitY.multlcmm
● 0 images

gridsearch (Package: lcmm) : Automatic grid search

This function provides an automatic grid search for latent class mixed models estimated with hlme, lcmm, multlcmm and Jointlcmm functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: gridsearch
● 0 images

Diffepoce (Package: lcmm) :

This function computes the difference of 2 EPOCE estimates (CVPOL or MPOL) and its 95% tracking interval between two joint latent class models estimated using Jointlcmm and evaluated using epoce function. Difference in CVPOL is computed when the EPOCE was previously estimated on the same dataset as used for estimation (using an approximated cross-validation), and difference in MPOL is computed when the EPOCE was previously estimated on an external dataset.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: Diffepoce
● 0 images