Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 16 found.
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scaleDMean (Package: lmfor) :

The function finds such scale parameter of the Weibull distribution that yields the given mean/median diameter. Function scaleDMean is used for arithmetic mean, scaleDGMean for the mean of basal-area weighted distribution, scaleDMed for median and scaleDGMed for the median of the basal-area weighted diameter distribution.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: forest biometrics
● Alias: scaleDGMean, scaleDGMed, scaleDMean, scaleDMed
● 0 images

qqplotHD (Package: lmfor) :

Produces a panel of graphs including the Normal qq-plot of a H-D model residuals and of the predicted random effects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: qqplotHD
● 0 images

linesplot (Package: lmfor) :

Orders the observations by x and thereafter plots y on x and connects observations of the same group by lines. Useful, for example, to plot a longitudinal dataset.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: grouped data
● Alias: linesplot
● 0 images

mywhiskers (Package: lmfor) : A whiskers type residual plot

A function for adding vertical lines onto residual plots to show
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: mywhiskers
● 0 images

plot.hdmod (Package: lmfor) :

Plotting method for class hdmod
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: ~kwd1, ~kwd2
● Alias: plot.hdmod
● 0 images

HD models (Package: lmfor) :

Nonlinear functions for modeling tree height on diameter. Usually called using fithd.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: ~kwd1, ~kwd2
● Alias: HDcurtis, HDgomperz, HDhossfeldIV, HDkorf, HDlogistic, HDmeyer, HDmichailoff, HDmicment, HDmicment2, HDmodels, HDnaslund, HDnaslund2, HDnaslund3, HDnaslund4, HDpower, HDprodan, HDratkowsky, HDrichards, HDsibbesen, HDweibull, HDwykoff, startHDcurtis, startHDgomperz, startHDhossfeldIV, startHDkorf, startHDlogistic, startHDmeyer, startHDmichailoff, startHDmicment, startHDmicment2, startHDnaslund, startHDnaslund2, startHDnaslund3, startHDnaslund4, startHDodels, startHDpower, startHDprodan, startHDratkowsky, startHDrichards, startHDsibbesen, startHDweibull, startHDwykoff
● 0 images

lmfor-package (Package: lmfor) :

Functions for different purposes related to Forest biometrics, including illustrative graphics, numerical computation, modeling height-diameter relationships, prediction of tree volumes, and recovery of tree diameter distributions. Datasets on tree height-diameter relationship and light response of moss photosynthesis are included.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: forest biometrics
● Alias: lmfor, lmfor-package
● 0 images

NRnum (Package: lmfor) :

Solves systems of functions of form f_1(x) = 0, f_2(x) = 0,... for vector x using the Gauss-Newton algorithm (the multidimensional version of the Newton-Raphson algorithm). The gradients are solved numerically within the function using R-function numericDeriv.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: NRnum
● 0 images

ImputeHeights (Package: lmfor) :

A function to impute tree heights in a forest inventory situation where all trees have been measured for diameter but only some trees have been measured for height.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: ImputeHeights
● 0 images

NR (Package: lmfor) :

Solves equations of form f(x)=0, for scalar x using the Newton-raphson algorithm.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: NR
● 0 images