Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 10 found.
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summary.oldlogspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation - 1992 version

This function summarizes both the stepwise selection process of the model fitting by oldlogspline, as well as the final model that was selected using AIC/BIC. A logspline object was fit using the 1992 knot deletion algorithm (oldlogspline). The 1997 algorithm using knot deletion and addition is available using the logspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: print.oldlogspline, summary.oldlogspline
● 0 images

unstrip (Package: logspline) : Reformat data as vector or matrix

This function tries to convert a date.frame or a matrix to a no-frills matrix without labels, and a vector or time-series to a no-frills vector without labels.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, utilities
● Alias: unstrip
● 0 images

logspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation

Fits a logspline density using splines to approximate the log-density using the 1997 knot addition and deletion algorithm (logspline). The 1992 algorithm is available using the oldlogspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: logspline
● 0 images

summary.logspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation

This function summarizes both the stepwise selection process of the model fitting by logspline, as well as the final model that was selected using AIC/BIC. A logspline object was fit using the 1997 knot addition and deletion algorithm. The 1992 algorithm is available using the oldlogspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: print.logspline, summary.logspline
● 0 images (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation - 1992 to 1997 version

Translates an oldlogspline object in an logspline object. This routine is mostly used in logspline, as it allows the routine to use oldlogspline for some situations where logspline crashes. The other use is when you have censored data, and thus have to use oldlogspline to fit, but wish to use the auxiliary routines from logspline.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias:
● 0 images

oldlogspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation - 1992 version

Fits a logspline density using splines to approximate the log-density using the 1992 knot deletion algorithm (oldlogspline). The 1997 algorithm using knot deletion and addition is available using the logspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: oldlogspline
● 0 images

doldlogspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation - 1992 version

Probability density function (doldlogspline), distribution function (poldlogspline), quantiles (qoldlogspline), and random samples (roldlogspline) from a logspline density that was fitted using the 1992 knot deletion algorithm (oldlogspline). The 1997 algorithm using knot deletion and addition is available using the logspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: doldlogspline, poldlogspline, qoldlogspline, roldlogspline
● 0 images

plot.logspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation

Plots a logspline density, distribution function, hazard function or survival function from a logspline density that was fitted using the 1997 knot addition and deletion algorithm (logspline). The 1992 algorithm is available using the oldlogspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: plot.logspline
● 0 images

dlogspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation

Density (dlogspline), cumulative probability (plogspline), quantiles (qlogspline), and random samples (rlogspline) from a logspline density that was fitted using the 1997 knot addition and deletion algorithm (logspline). The 1992 algorithm is available using the oldlogspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: dlogspline, plogspline, qlogspline, rlogspline
● 0 images

plot.oldlogspline (Package: logspline) : Logspline Density Estimation - 1992 version

Plots an oldlogspline density, distribution function, hazard function or survival function from a logspline density that was fitted using the 1992 knot deletion algorithm. The 1997 algorithm using knot deletion and addition is available using the logspline function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, smooth
● Alias: plot.oldlogspline
● 0 images