Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 9 of 9 found.
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diggle.linear.power (Package: longpower) : Sample size calculations for difference in slopes between two groups.

This function performs the sample size calculation for difference in slopes between two groups. See Diggle et al (2002) for parameter definitions and other details.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: effects, mixed, power, random, sample, size
● Alias: diggle.linear.power
● 0 images

longpower-package (Package: longpower) : Sample size calculations for longitudinal data

The longpower package contains functions for computing power and sample size for linear models of longitudinal data based on the formula due to Liu and Liang (1997) and Diggle et al (1994). Either formula is expressed in terms of marginal model or Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) parameters. This package contains functions which translate pilot mixed effect model parameters (e.g. random intercept and/or slope) into marginal model parameters so that the formulas of Diggle et al or Liu and Liang formula can be applied to produce sample size calculations for two sample longitudinal designs assuming known variance. The package also handles the categorical time Mixed Model of Repeated Measures (MMRM) using the formula of Lu, Luo, and Chen (2008)
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: longpower-package
● 0 images

lmmpower (Package: longpower) : Sample size calculations for linear mixed models of rate of change based on

These functions compute sample size for linear mixed models based on the formula due to Diggle (2002) or Liu and Liang (1997). These formulae are expressed in terms of marginal model or Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) parameters. These functions translate pilot mixed effect model parameters (e.g. random intercept and/or slope, fixed effects, etc.) into marginal model parameters so that either formula can be applied to equivalent affect. Pilot estimates are assumed to be from an appropriate "placebo" group and the parameter of interest is assumed to be the rate of change over time of the outcome.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: effects, marginal, methods, mixed, model, power, random, sample, size
● Alias: lmmpower, lmmpower,ANY-method, lmmpower,merMod-method, lmmpower-methods, lmmpower.default, lmmpower.gee, lmmpower.lme, lmmpower.numeric
● 0 images

edland.linear.power (Package: longpower) : Linear mixed model sample size calculations.

This function performs the sample size calculation for a linear mixed model with random slope.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: effects, mixed, power, random, sample, size
● Alias: edland.linear.power
● 0 images

liu.liang.linear.power (Package: longpower) : Linear mixed model sample size calculations from Liu & Liang (1997).

This function performs the sample size calculation for a linear mixed model. See Liu and Liang (1997) for parameter definitions and other details.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: effects, mixed, power, random, sample, size
● Alias: liu.liang.linear.power
● 0 images

power.mmrm (Package: longpower) : Linear mixed model sample size calculations.

This function performs the sample size calculation for a mixed model of repeated measures with general correlation structure. See Lu, Luo, & Chen (2008) for parameter definitions and other details. This function executes Formula (3) on page 4.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: effects, mixed, power, random, sample, size
● Alias: power.mmrm
● 0 images

print.power.longtest (Package: longpower) : Print method for longitudinal data power calculation object

Print object of class "power.longtest" in nice layout.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: longtest
● Alias: print.power.longtest
● 0 images

power.mmrm.ar1 (Package: longpower) : Linear mixed model sample size calculations.

This function performs the sample size calculation for a mixed model of repeated measures with AR(1) correlation structure. See Lu, Luo, & Chen (2008) for parameter definitions and other details.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: effects, mixed, power, random, sample, size
● Alias: power.mmrm.ar1
● 0 images

power.longtest (Package: longpower) : Constructor function for class code{"power.longtest"

Constructor function for class "power.longtest"
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: power.longtest
● 0 images