Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 48 found.
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getinfo.shape (Package: maptools) : Get shapefile header information

Get shapefile header information; the file should be given including its ".shp" extension, and the function will reconstruct the names of the database (dbf) file and the index (shx) file from these.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: getinfo.shape, print.shapehead
● 0 images

elide-methods (Package: maptools) : Methods for Function elide in Package `maptools'

Methods for function elide to translate and disguise coordinate placing in the real world.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: methods, spatial
● Alias: elide, elide,SpatialLines-method, elide,SpatialLinesDataFrame-method, elide,SpatialPoints-method, elide,SpatialPointsDataFrame-method, elide,SpatialPolygons-method, elide,SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-method, elide-methods
● 0 images

SpatialLinesMidPoints (Package: maptools) : Line midpoints

The function onverts SpatialLinesDataFrame to SpatialPointsDataFrame with points at the midpoints of the line segments.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: SpatialLinesMidPoints
● 0 images

kmlLines (Package: maptools) : Create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Lines object

The function is used to create and write a KML file on the basis of a given Lines object (a list of Line objects) for the usage in Google Earth and Google Maps.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: kmlLines
● 0 images

gcDestination (Package: maptools) : Find destination in geographical coordinates

Find the destination in geographical coordinates at distance dist and for the given bearing from the starting point given by lon and lat.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: gcDestination
● 0 images

nowrapSpatialLines (Package: maptools) : Split SpatialLines components at offset

When recentering a world map, most often from the "Atlantic" view with longitudes with range -180 to 180, to the "pacific" view with longitudes with range 0 to 360, lines crossing the offset (0 for this conversion) get stretched horizonally. This function breaks Line objects at the offset (usually Greenwich), inserting a very small gap, and reassembling the Line objects created as Lines. The rgeos package is required to use this function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: nowrapSpatialLines
● 0 images

ppp-class (Package: maptools) : Virtual class "ppp"

Virtual S4 class definition for S3 classes in the spatstat package to allow S4-style coercion to these classes
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: im-class, owin-class, ppp-class, psp-class
● 0 images

symbolsInPolys (Package: maptools) : Place grids of points over polygons

Place grids of points over polygons with chosen density and/or symbols (suggested by Michael Wolf).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: symbolsInPolys
● 0 images

pal2SpatialPolygons (Package: maptools) : Making SpatialPolygons objects from RArcInfo input

This function is used in making SpatialPolygons objects from RArcInfo input.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: pal2SpatialPolygons
● 0 images

dotsInPolys (Package: maptools) : Put dots in polygons

Make point coordinates for a dot density map
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spatial
● Alias: dotsInPolys
● 0 images