Last data update: 2014.03.03

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Results 1 - 10 of 36 found.
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byte_mutation_random (Package: mcga) : Performs mutation operation on a given double vector

This function is not called directly but is given as a parameter in GA::ga function. In GA::ga, if the parameter mutation= is set to byte_mutation_random than the byte-coded mutation operator is applied in the genetic search. In mcga2 function, the hard-coded mutation parameter is set to byte_mutation by definition. This function simply takes an double vector and changes bytes randomly in the range of [0,255] using the pre-determined mutation probabilty.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: byte_mutation_random
● 0 images

byte_crossover_1p (Package: mcga) : Performs one-point crossover operation on a pair of two selected parent candidate solutions

This function is not called directly but is given as a parameter in GA::ga function. In GA::ga, if the parameter crossover= is set to byte_crossover_1p than the byte-coded one-point crossover operator is applied in the genetic search. In mcga2 function, the hard-coded crossover parameter is set to byte_crossover by definition. byte_crossover_1p function simply takes two double vectors (parents) and combines the bytes of doubles using given cut-point.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: byte_crossover_1p
● 0 images

flat_crossover (Package: mcga) : Performs flat crossover operation on a pair of two selected parent candidate solutions

This function is not called directly but is given as a parameter in GA::ga function. In GA::ga, if the parameter crossover= is set to flat_crossover than the flat crossover operator is applied in the genetic search. flat_crossover draws a random number between parents' genes and returns a pair of generated offspring
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: flat_crossover
● 0 images

UniformCrossOver (Package: mcga) : Uniform Crossover operation on the two vectors of bytes

This function is a C++ wrapper for crossing-over of two byte vectors of candidate solutions
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: UniformCrossOver
● 0 images

SizeOfDouble (Package: mcga) : Byte-length of a code{double

Byte-length of a double typed variable in computer memory
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: SizeOfDouble
● 0 images

BytesToDouble (Package: mcga) : Converting code{sizeof(double)

This function converts sizeof(double) bytes to a double typed value
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: BytesToDouble
● 0 images

multi_mcga (Package: mcga) :

Machine coded genetic algorithm (MCGA) is a fast tool for real-valued optimization problems. It uses the byte representation of variables rather than real-values. It performs the classical crossover operations (uniform) on these byte representations. Mutation operator is also similar to classical mutation operator, which is to say, it changes a randomly selected byte value of a chromosome by +1 or -1 with probability 1/2. In MCGAs there is no need for encoding-decoding process and the classical operators are directly applicable on real-values. It is fast and can handle a wide range of a search space with high precision. Using a 256-unary alphabet is the main disadvantage of this algorithm but a moderate size population is convenient for many problems.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: multi_mcga
● 0 images

ByteCodeMutation (Package: mcga) : Mutation operator for byte representation of double values

This function is a C++ wrapper for mutating byte representation of a given candidate solution
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: ByteCodeMutation
● 0 images

OnePointCrossOverOnDoublesUsingBytes (Package: mcga) : One-point Crossover operation on the two vectors of doubles using their byte representations

This function is a C++ wrapper for crossing-over of two double vectors of candidate solutions using their byte representations
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: OnePointCrossOverOnDoublesUsingBytes
● 0 images

ByteVectorToDoubles (Package: mcga) : Converting p * code{sizeof(double)

This function converts a byte vector to a vector of doubles
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: ByteVectorToDoubles
● 0 images