Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 31 found.
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rmunorm (Package: mcsm) : Random generator for the multivariate normal distribution

This function produces one random vector distributed from the multivariate normal distribution N(mu,sig).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: rmunorm
● 0 images

pimamh (Package: mcsm) : Langevin MCMC algorithm for the probit posterior

This function implements a Langevin version of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm on the posterior of a probit model, applied to the dataset.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen, hplot, optimize
● Alias: pimamh
● 0 images

mhmix (Package: mcsm) : Implement two Metropolis-Hastings algorithms on a mixture posterior

This function runs a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm on a posterior distribution associated with a mixture model and 500 datapoints. Depending on the value of the boolean indicator lange, the function uses a regular Gaussian random-walk proposal or a Langevin alternative.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen, hplot
● Alias: mhmix
● 0 images

dyadic (Package: mcsm) : A dyadic antithetic improvement for a toy problem

Using dyadic replicas of a uniform sample, when evaluating the mean of h(x)=(cos(50*x) +sin(20*x))^2, this function shows the corresponding improvement in variance. The parameter q is used to break the unit interval into 2^q blocks where a transform of the original uniform sample is duplicated.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: dyadic
● 0 images

test2 (Package: mcsm) : Generic chi-square generator

This function is a front-end for rchisq, designed for comparison with test1.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen, distribution
● Alias: test2
● 0 images

sqar (Package: mcsm) : Illustration of some of coda's criterions on the noisy squared AR model

This function illustrates some of coda's criterions on the noisy squared AR model, using a Metro-polis-Has-tings algorithm based on a random walk. Depending on the value of the boolean multies, those criterions are either the geweke.diag and heidel.diag diagnostics, along with a Kolmo-gorov-Smir-nov test of our own, or plot(mcmc.list()) if several parallel chains are produced together.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: sqar
● 0 images

betagen (Package: mcsm) : Plot explaining accept-reject on a Beta(2.7,6.3) target

This function of Nsim represents Nsim points simulated from either a uniform or a Beta(2,6) proposal in terms of their location above versus below the density of the Beta(2.7,6.3) target in order to explain accept-reject methods.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen, distribution, hplot
● Alias: betagen, rbeta
● 0 images

normbyde (Package: mcsm) : Compare two double-exponentials approximations to a normal distribution

This simple program compares a double-exponential distribution with parameter a=1 and a double-exponential distribution with parameter a!=1 in their approximation to the standard normal distribution. Quite obviously, this function is not to be used when compared when rnorm.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: normbyde
● 0 images

maximple (Package: mcsm) : Graphical representation of a toy example of simulated annealing

For the toy function h(x)=(cos(50*x)+sin(20*x))^2, this function represents simulated annealing sequences converging to a local or global maxima as paths on top of the function h itself. The simulated annealing parameters ratemp and powemp can be changed, as well as the stopping rule tolerance.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: optimize
● Alias: maximple
● 0 images

sqaradap (Package: mcsm) : Illustration of the dangers of doing adaptive MCMC on a noisy squared AR model

This function constructs a non-parametric proposal after each iteration of the MCMC algorithm, based on the earlier simulations. It shows how poorly this "natural" solution fares.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: sqaradap
● 0 images