Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 29 found.
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bhm.constr.resamp (Package: mederrRank) :

This function represents the "constructor" function for the resampling procedure used in this package. bhm.resample calculates the importance ratios, and performs the sampling, and then this function constructs the resampled model based on that information.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Bayesian Hierarchical Model, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Medication Errors, Optimal Bayesian Ranking, ranking
● Alias: bhm.constr.resamp
● 0 images

mederrResample-class (Package: mederrRank) : Class "mederrResample". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 2) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors.

This class encapsulates the information needed to resample the Monte Carlo chains for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model as described in Myers et al. (2011) using user defined values for k and eta.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, methods
● Alias: initialize,mederrResample-method, mederrResample, mederrResample-class
● 0 images

logunpost (Package: mederrRank) :

This functions computes the unnormalized marginal posterior distributions for the k and η parameters as described in Myers et al (2011).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Medication Errors, Optimal Bayesian Ranking, ranking, ranks
● Alias: logunpost
● 0 images

mederrData-class (Package: mederrRank) : Class "mederrData". Data Specification for Identifying the Most Harmful MEdication Errors using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model.

This class encapsulates the data specification for a Bayesian Hierarchical Model used to identify the most harmful medication errors as described in Myers et al. (2011).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, methods
● Alias: initialize,mederrData-method, mederrData, mederrData-class
● 0 images

dnegbinom (Package: mederrRank) :

Density function for the negative binomial distribution with parameters alpha and prob.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Counts, DuMocuhel, Medication Errors
● Alias: dnegbinom
● 0 images

p.value (Package: mederrRank) :

This function computes posterior predictive test statistics as described in Myers et al. (2011).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Medication Errors, Optimal Bayesian Ranking, ranking, ranks
● Alias: p.value
● 0 images

llDiffT (Package: mederrRank) :

This function computes the log-likelihood difference for the candidate θ_i random effects. It is a helper function and not meant to be used on its own.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Medication Errors, Optimal Bayesian Ranking, ranking, ranks
● Alias: llDiffT
● 0 images

summary-methods (Package: mederrRank) : Summary of Medication Error Data and Analysis

Methods for function summary in Package ‘base’ to be used with "mederrData" and "mederrFit" objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Medication Errors, methods
● Alias: summary,ANY-method, summary,mederrData-method, summary,mederrFit-method, summary-methods
● 0 images

dst (Package: mederrRank) :

Density function for the skewed t distribution with k degrees of freedom, scale parameter sigma and skewness eta .
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: t Distribution
● Alias: dst
● 0 images

negbinom.em (Package: mederrRank) :

This function provides the empirical Bayes estimates for the parameters theta of a negative binomial distribution (see dnegbinom) using an Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: EM, Empirical Bayes, Medication Errors, Optimal Bayesian Ranking, ranking
● Alias: negbinom.em
● 0 images