Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 3 of 3 found.
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mlearning (Package: mlearning) : Alternate interface to various machine learning algorithms

In order to provide a unified (formula-based) interface to various machine learning algorithms, these function wrap a common UI around a couple of existing code.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: tree
● Alias: cvpredict, cvpredict.mlearning, mlLda, mlLda.default, mlLda.formula, mlLvq, mlLvq.default, mlLvq.formula, mlNaiveBayes, mlNaiveBayes.default, mlNaiveBayes.formula, mlNnet, mlNnet.default, mlNnet.formula, mlQda, mlQda.default, mlQda.formula, mlRforest, mlRforest.default, mlRforest.formula, mlSvm, mlSvm.default, mlSvm.formula, mlearning, plot.mlearning, predict.mlLda, predict.mlLvq, predict.mlQda, predict.mlRforest, predict.mlSvm, predict.mlearning, print.mlearning, print.summary.lvq, print.summary.mlearning, response, response.default, summary.lvq, summary.mlearning, train, train.default
● 0 images

mlearning-package (Package: mlearning) : mlearning: machine learning algorithms with a common UI and confusion matrices

This package provides wrappers around several existing machine learning algorithms in R, under a unified user interface. Confusion matrices can also be calculated and viewed as tables or plots.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: mlearning-package
● 0 images

confusion (Package: mlearning) : Construct and analyze confusion matrices

Confusion matrices compare two classifications (usually one done automatically using a machine learning algorithm versus the true classication represented by a manual classification by a specialist... but one can also compare two automatic or two manual classifications against each other).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: tree
● Alias: confusion, confusion.default, confusion.mlearning, confusionBarplot, confusionDendrogram, confusionImage, confusionStars, plot.confusion, print.confusion, print.summary.confusion, prior, prior.confusion, prior<-, prior<-.confusion, summary.confusion
● 0 images