Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 5 of 5 found.
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getCTechSTM1/2u (Package: modQR) : Getting the List of Options CTechST for code{compContourM1/2u

The functions getCTechSTM1u and getCTechSTM2u set the default list of options CTechST for computing all the directional (regression) quantiles by means of compContourM1u and compContourM2u, respectively.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: getCTechSTM1/2u, getCTechSTM1u, getCTechSTM2u
● 0 images

getCharSTM2u (Package: modQR) : Computing Some Overall Characteristics in code{compContourM2u

The function computes some overall characteristics of directional regression quantiles in the output of compContourM2u, namely the list COutST$CharST. It makes possible to obtain some useful information without saving any file on the disk, and it can be easily modified by the users according to their wishes.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: getCharSTM2u
● 0 images

compContourM1/2u (Package: modQR) : Directional Regression Quantile Computation

The functions compContourM1u and compContourM2u may be used to obtain not only directional regression quantiles for all directions, but also some related overall statistics. Their output may also be used for the evaluation of the corresponding regression quantile regions by means of evalContour. The functions use different methods and algorithms, namely compContourM1u is based on [01] and [06] and compContourM2u results from [03] and [07]. The corresponding regression quantile regions are nevertheless virtually the same. See all the references below for further details and possible applications.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: compContourM1/2u, compContourM1u, compContourM2u
● 0 images

getCharSTM1u (Package: modQR) : Computing Some Overall Characteristics in code{compContourM1u

The function computes some overall characteristics of directional regression quantiles in the output of compContourM1u, namely the list COutST$CharST. It makes possible to obtain some useful information without saving any file on the disk, and it can be easily modified by the users according to their wishes.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: getCharSTM1u
● 0 images

evalContour (Package: modQR) : Evaluating Convex Polytopes

Given the system of inequalities AAMat%*%ZVec <= BBVec describing a convex polytope/contour with an interior point IPVec in the Euclidean space of dimension two to six, this function identifies all nonredundant constraints and computes some characteristics of the resulting convex polytope such as its vertices, facets, volume and surface area.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: evalContour
● 0 images