Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 20 found.
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flatten (Package: mzID) : Flatten an mzID related class into a table

This function flattens the content of the object into a table by merging the content intelligently (it knows the links between the different objects).
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: flatten, flatten,mzID-method, flatten,mzIDCollection-method, flatten,mzIDpeptides-method, flatten,mzIDpsm-method
● 0 images

increment (Package: mzID) : Tools to handle generation of lookup names for the dictionary

increment looks for a counter in the data environment of mzIDCollection objects and increments it by one if it exists. Otherwise it initialises the counter to 1. It returns the value of the counter.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: increment, increment,mzIDCollection-method
● 0 images

keyFor (Package: mzID) : Tools to handle generation of lookup names for the dictionary

keyFor returns the internal hash for a given name.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: keyFor, keyFor,mzIDCollection,character-method
● 0 images

mzID-class (Package: mzID) : A class to contain data from mzIdentML-files

This class stores all parsed information from mzIdentML files
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: c,mzID-method, database,mzID-method, evidence,mzID-method, files,mzID-method, id,mzID-method, idScanMap,mzID-method, length,mzID-method, modifications,mzID-method, mzID-class, parameters,mzID-method, peptides,mzID-method, removeDecoy,mzID-method, scans,mzID-method, show,mzID-method, software,mzID-method
● 0 images

mzID-getters (Package: mzID) : Getter functions for identification data

This set of functions are used to extract data from mzID and mzIDCollection objects.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: evidence, files, id, idScanMap, mzID-getters, parameters, software
● 0 images

mzID-package (Package: mzID) : A parser for the mzIdentML file format

Using the mzID function this package is able to parse mzIdentML files into an mzID class instance. Multiple files can be parsed in parallel into an mzIDCollection which is a list-like class that handles multiple mzID objects.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: mzID-package
● 0 images

mzID (Package: mzID) : Parse an mzIdentML file

This function takes a single mzIdentML file and parses it into an mzID object.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: mzID
● 0 images

mzIDCollection-class (Package: mzID) : A class to handle a set of mzID objects

This class is a container for multiple mzID objects. It is constructed such that the bulk data are not copied when passed around. It is the aim that this class have parity with the mzID class in the methods it exposes to the user, such that mzIDCollections can be thought of as vectors in the traditional R sense. Furthermore it accepts standard indexing and concatenation.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: [,mzIDCollection,character,missing,missing-method, [,mzIDCollection,logical,missing,missing-method, [,mzIDCollection,numeric,missing,missing-method, [[,mzIDCollection,character,missing-method, [[,mzIDCollection,numeric,missing-method, as.list.mzIDCollection, c,mzIDCollection-method, database,mzIDCollection-method, evidence,mzIDCollection-method, files,mzIDCollection-method, id,mzIDCollection-method, idScanMap,mzIDCollection-method, length,mzIDCollection-method, modifications,mzIDCollection-method, mzIDCollection-class, names,mzIDCollection-method, names<-,mzIDCollection,character-method, parameters,mzIDCollection-method, peptides,mzIDCollection-method, removeDecoy,mzIDCollection-method, scans,mzIDCollection-method, show,mzIDCollection-method, software,mzIDCollection-method
● 0 images

mzIDCollection (Package: mzID) : Create a new mzIDCollection

This function creates a new mzIDCollection object containing the supplied mzID object. As such the result is equivalent to passing a number of mzID objects to c(), except that an empty mzIDCollection object is returned if no mzID objects are supplied.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: mzIDCollection
● 0 images

mzIDdatabase-class (Package: mzID) : A class to store database information from an mzIdentML file

This class handles parsing and storage of database information from mzIDentML files, residing at the /MzIdentML/SequenceCollection/DBSequence node.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: database,mzIDdatabase-method, length,mzIDdatabase-method, mzIDdatabase-class, show,mzIDdatabase-method
● 0 images