Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 27 found.
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FASTASummary-class (Package: qrqc) : code{FASTASummary

This class contains the same slots as the SequenceSummary, but it is used to indicate the data originated from a FASTA file.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: FASTASummary-class, makeReport,FASTASummary-method
● 0 images

FASTQSummary-class (Package: qrqc) : code{FASTQSummary

This class contains the same slots as the SequenceSummary, as well as additional slots for quality information.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: FASTQSummary-class, makeReport,FASTQSummary-method, plotQuals,FASTQSummary-method
● 0 images

SequenceSummary-class (Package: qrqc) : code{SequenceSummary

A sequence file read in with readSeqFile is summarized by a C call. This is a base class with slots common to both FASTQSummary and FASTASummary. This is not usually instantiated directly.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: SequenceSummary-class, plotBases,SequenceSummary-method, plotGC,SequenceSummary-method, plotSeqLengths,SequenceSummary-method
● 0 images

basePlot-methods (Package: qrqc) : Plot Base Frequency or Proportion by Position

basePlot plots the frequency or proportion of bases by position in the read.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphics, methods
● Alias: basePlot, basePlot,SequenceSummary-method, basePlot,list-method, basePlot-methods
6 images

calcKL-methods (Package: qrqc) : Calculate the Kullback-Leibler Divergence Between the k-mer

calcKL takes in an object that inherits from SequenceSummary that has a kmers slot, and returns the terms of the K-L divergence sum (which correspond to items in the sample space, in this case, k-mers).
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphics, methods
● Alias: calcKL, calcKL,SequenceSummary-method
1 images

gcPlot-methods (Package: qrqc) : Plot GC Content by Position

gcPlot plots the GC content by position in the read.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphics, methods
● Alias: gcPlot, gcPlot,SequenceSummary-method, gcPlot,list-method, gcPlot-methods
3 images

geom_qlinerange (Package: qrqc) : Use Line Segments and Points to Plot Quality Statistics by Position in the Read

geom_qlinerange uses multiple line segments and points to plot quality ranges. By default the 10% and 90% range in plotted in grey, the quartile range in orange, and the mean as a point in blue. It is used in qualPlot.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphics, methods
● Alias: geom_qlinerange
● 0 images

getBase-methods (Package: qrqc) : Get a Data Frame of Base Frequency Data from a code{SequenceSummary

An object that inherits from class SequenceSummary contains base frequency data by position gathered by readSeqFile. getBase is an accessor function that reshapes the base frequency data by position into a data frame.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: accessor, methods
● Alias: getBase, getBase,SequenceSummary-method, getBase-methods
1 images

getBaseProp-methods (Package: qrqc) : Get a Data Frame of Base Proportion Data from a code{SequenceSummary

An object that inherits from class SequenceSummary contains base frequency data by position gathered by readSeqFile. getBaseProp is an accessor function that reshapes the base frequency data by position into a data frame and calculates the proportions of each base per position.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: accessor, methods
● Alias: getBaseProp, getBaseProp,SequenceSummary-method, getBaseProp-methods
1 images

getGC-methods (Package: qrqc) : Get a Data Frame of GC Content from a code{SequenceSummary

An object that inherits from class SequenceSummary contains base frequency data by position gathered by readSeqFile. getGC is an accessor function that reshapes the base frequency data into a data frame and returns the GC content by position.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: accessor, methods
● Alias: getGC, getGC,SequenceSummary-method, getGC-methods
1 images