Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 70 found.
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mesh3d (Package: rgl) : 3D Mesh objects

3D triangle and quadrangle mesh object creation and a collection of sample objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: cube3d, cuboctahedron3d, dodecahedron3d, dot3d, dot3d.mesh3d, dot3d.qmesh3d, icosahedron3d, mesh3d, octahedron3d, oh3d, qmesh3d, shade3d, shade3d.mesh3d, shade3d.qmesh3d, shape3d, tetrahedron3d, tmesh3d, wire3d, wire3d.mesh3d, wire3d.qmesh3d
● 0 images

rgl-internal (Package: rgl) : Internal rgl functions and data

internal rgl functions
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: cube3d.ib, cube3d.vb, dev3d, edgeindex, edgemap, oh3d.ib, oh3d.vb, rgl.attr, rgl.bool, rgl.clamp, rgl.color, rgl.enum, rgl.enum.fogtype, rgl.enum.gl2ps, rgl.enum.halign, rgl.enum.nodetype, rgl.enum.pixfmt, rgl.enum.polymode, rgl.enum.primtype, rgl.enum.texmagfilter, rgl.enum.texminfilter, rgl.enum.textype, rgl.mcolor, rgl.numeric, rgl.nvertex, rgl.range, rgl.selectstate, rgl.setselectstate, rgl.vertex
● 0 images

cylinder3d (Package: rgl) :

This function converts a description of a space curve into a "mesh3d" object forming a cylindrical tube around the curve.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: cylinder3d
● 0 images

plot3d (Package: rgl) : 3D Scatterplot

Draws a 3D scatterplot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: decorate3d, plot3d, plot3d.default, plot3d.mesh3d
● 0 images

spheres3d (Package: rgl) : add sphere set shape

Adds a sphere set shape node to the scene
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: rgl.spheres, spheres3d
● 0 images

subdivision3d (Package: rgl) : generic subdivision surface method

The Subdivision surface algorithm divide and refine (deform) a given mesh recursively to certain degree (depth). The mesh3d algorithm consists of two stages: divide and deform. The divide step generates for each triangle or quad four new triangles or quads, the deform step drags the points (refinement step).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: deform.mesh3d, divide.mesh3d, normalize.mesh3d, subdivision3d, subdivision3d.mesh3d
● 0 images

rgl.pixels (Package: rgl) : Extract pixel information from window

This function extracts single components of the pixel information from the topmost window.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: rgl.pixels
● 0 images

sprites (Package: rgl) : add sprite set shape

Adds a sprite set shape node to the scene.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: particles3d, rgl.sprites, sprites3d
● 0 images

propertySetter (Package: rgl) :

propertySlider writes out HTML code to control WebGL displays on the same page via a slider; par3dinterpSetter and propertySetter return Javascript code to be used in HTML controls.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: matrixSetter, par3dinterpSetter, propertySetter, propertySlider, vertexSetter
● 0 images

rgl.bringtotop (Package: rgl) : Assign focus to an RGL window

'rgl.bringtotop' brings the current RGL window to the front of the window stack (and gives it focus).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic
● Alias: rgl.bringtotop
● 0 images