Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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readMethods (Package: segmentSeq) : Functions for processing files of various formats into an `alignmentData' object.

These functions take alignment files of various formats to produce an object (see Details) describing the alignment of sequencing tags from different libraries. At present, BAM and text files are supported.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: files
● Alias: readBAM, readGeneric
● 0 images

readMeths (Package: segmentSeq) :

This function takes as input a set of files that describe the number of times a set of cytosines are observed to be methylated or unmethylated in some high-throughput sequencing data. It merges the data from these files into an object of 'alignmentMeth' class which can then be further processed to identify methylation loci.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: files, ~kwd2
● Alias: readMeths
● 0 images

segClass-class (Package: segmentSeq) : Class "segClass"

The segClass class contains data about potential segments on the genome.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: [,segClass,ANY,ANY-method, [,segClass-method, dim,segClass-method, initialize,segClass-method, segClass, segClass-class, show,segClass-method
● 0 images

segData-class (Package: segmentSeq) : Class "segData"

The segData class inherits from the segClass class and contains data about potential segments on the genome, together with counts for each of those segments.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: [,segData,ANY,ANY-method, [,segData,ANY-method, [,segData-method, dim,segData-method, initialize,segData-method, segData, segData-class, show,segData-method
● 0 images

segMeth-class (Package: segmentSeq) : Class "segMeth"

The segMeth class inherits from the segClass class and contains data about potential segments on the genome, together with counts for each of those segments.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: [,segMeth,ANY,ANY-method, [,segMeth,ANY-method, [,segMeth-method, dim,segMeth-method, initialize,segMeth-method, segMeth, segMeth-class, show,segMeth-method
● 0 images

segmentSeq-package (Package: segmentSeq) :

The segmentSeq package is intended to take multiple samples of high-throughput data (together with replicate information) and identify regions of the genome which have a (reproducibly) high density of tags aligning to them. The package was developed for use in identifying small RNA precursors from small RNA sequencing data, but may also be useful in some mRNA-Seq and chIP-Seq applications.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: package
● Alias: segmentSeq, segmentSeq-package
● 0 images

selectLoci (Package: segmentSeq) :

Selects loci from a ‘lociData’ object based on likelihood, false discovery rate or familywise error rate for downstream processing.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: manip
● Alias: selectLoci
● 0 images

summariseLoci (Package: segmentSeq) :

Summarises the expected number of loci, either in toto or on a per replicate group basis.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: mainip
● Alias: summariseLoci
● 0 images

alignmentClass-class (Package: segmentSeq) : Class "alignmentClass"

The alignmentClass class records information about a set of alignments of high-throughput sequencing data to a genome.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: [,alignmentClass,ANY,ANY-method, [,alignmentClass,ANY-method, [,alignmentClass-method, alignmentClass, alignmentClass-class, cbind,alignmentClass-method, dim,alignmentClass-method, initialize,alignmentClass-method, show,alignmentClass-method
● 0 images

alignmentData-class (Package: segmentSeq) : Class "alignmentData"

The alignmentData class inherits from the alignmentClass class and records information about a set of alignments of high-throughput sequencing data to a genome. Details include the alignments themselves, the chromosomes of the genome to which the data are aligned, and counts of the aligned tags from each of the libraries from which the data come.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: [,alignmentData,ANY,ANY-method, [,alignmentData,ANY-method, [,alignmentData-method, alignmentData, alignmentData-class, cbind,alignmentData-method, dim,alignmentData-method, initialize,alignmentData-method, show,alignmentData-method
● 0 images