Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 309 found.
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SignRank (Package: stats) : Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic

Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank statistic obtained from a sample with size n.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: SignRank, dsignrank, psignrank, qsignrank, rsignrank
1 images

ansari.test (Package: stats) : Ansari-Bradley Test

Performs the Ansari-Bradley two-sample test for a difference in scale parameters.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: htest
● Alias: ansari.test, ansari.test.default, ansari.test.formula
● 0 images

summary.princomp (Package: stats) : Summary method for Principal Components Analysis

The summary method for class "princomp".
● Data Source: ● Keywords: multivariate
● Alias: print.summary.princomp, summary.princomp
● 0 images

aov (Package: stats) : Fit an Analysis of Variance Model

Fit an analysis of variance model by a call to lm for each stratum.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: Error, aov, print.aov, print.aovlist
● 0 images

optimize (Package: stats) : One Dimensional Optimization

The function optimize searches the interval from lower to upper for a minimum or maximum of the function f with respect to its first argument.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: optimize
● Alias: optimise, optimize
1 images

runmed (Package: stats) : Running Medians -- Robust Scatter Plot Smoothing

Compute running medians of odd span. This is the ‘most robust’ scatter plot smoothing possible. For efficiency (and historical reason), you can use one of two different algorithms giving identical results.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: robust, smooth
● Alias: runmed
5 images

spec.taper (Package: stats) : Taper a Time Series by a Cosine Bell

Apply a cosine-bell taper to a time series.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: ts
● Alias: spec.taper
● 0 images

reorder.default (Package: stats) : Reorder Levels of a Factor

reorder is a generic function. The "default" method treats its first argument as a categorical variable, and reorders its levels based on the values of a second variable, usually numeric.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: reorder, reorder.default
1 images

selfStart (Package: stats) : Construct Self-starting Nonlinear Models

Construct self-starting nonlinear models.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: models
● Alias: selfStart, selfStart.default, selfStart.formula
● 0 images

coef (Package: stats) : Extract Model Coefficients

coef is a generic function which extracts model coefficients from objects returned by modeling functions. coefficients is an alias for it.
● Data Source: ● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: coef, coefficients
● 0 images