Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 14 found.
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tweet2r (Package: tweet2r) : Set up parameters to file streaming and store tweets in a JSON file using Twitter Streaming API .

Configuration of the start stop for retrieving tweets, also set up the search by bounding box or by key words, number of tweets retrieved (stored in a collection of JSON files) and set up of the file prefix to store the JSON files created during the connection to the to Twitter Streaming API.tweet2r Don't opens a connection to Twitter's Streaming API by himself but you can configure the tweeter connection as is described in streamR that will return public statuses that match your keywords or bounding box definition. It is very useful to set up start time and end time of the connection. Note that the end time will be delayed depending on the time needed to close the file for the number of tweets set up.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: tweet2r
● 0 images

tglm (Package: tweet2r) :

A fast time analysis. This function was done to get an exploratory time analysis base on a Generalized Linear Model (GLM), The function is based on glm function from. glm performs a GLM counting the tweets by hour, day, or week of the day.The results of this function is a glm object and the count of the tweets.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: glm, tweet2r
● Alias: tglm
● 0 images

t2STIDF (Package: tweet2r) :

Creates an object of class STIDF from geotweets. A class for unstructured spatio-temporal data; for n spatial locations and times, n observations are available .
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: spacetime
● Alias: t2STIDF
● 0 images

t2summary (Package: tweet2r) :

Summary and graphical output from the tweets retrieved with the tweet2r package. The function performs a short description numerical and graphical.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: summary, tweets
● Alias: t2summary
● 0 images

t2SpatialPointDataFrame (Package: tweet2r) : Extract geotagged tweets stored as a data.frame

A function to create a SpatialPointsDataFrame with only the tweets with lat lon columns filled. Not all the tweets are geotagged. Tweets should be subset from the original data.frame to get only tweets with coordinates.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data.frame, parse, tweets
● Alias: t2SpatialPointDataFrame
● 0 images

tspan (Package: tweet2r) :

This function is design to provide an exploratory point pattern analysis. Is base on spatstat package a to do a basic point pattern analysis of Homogeneous an Inhomogeneous Poisson.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: point pattern
● Alias: tspan
● 0 images

t2sqlite (Package: tweet2r) : Export TweeterJSON files to sqlite database and import to R as a Data Frame

Export Json files retrieved with tweet2r to a Sqlite database and import tweets as a Data Frame.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: sqlite, tweeter
● Alias: t2sqlite
● 0 images

theatmap (Package: tweet2r) : Plot a heat map from geotweets or SpatialPointsDataFrame

Plot a heat maps base o 2d density estimation
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: heat map
● Alias: theatmap
● 0 images

t2DataFrame (Package: tweet2r) : Parse tweets from JSON files and import to R

A function to parse JSON files containing tweets stroed using the function tweet2r. Tweets are stored as a data.frame ready to be use within R.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: data.frame, parse, tweets
● Alias: t2DataFrame
● 0 images

t2gis (Package: tweet2r) : Export Tweeter with geotagg in Sqlite table to KML, shapefiles or GML

This functions import geotagged tweets as SpatialPointDataFrame from a Sqlite database containing the tweets and export it in a GIS format
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: GML, kML, shp, sqlite, tweeter
● Alias: t2gis
● 0 images