Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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print.xtableMatharray (Package: xtable) : Print Math Array

For an object of class "xtableMatharray", returns the LaTeX commands to produce an array.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: print.xtableMatharray
● 0 images

autoformat (Package: xtable) : Automatically Format Export Tables

Suggest an appropriate alignment, number of digits, and display type for xtable.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: array, print
● Alias: autoformat, xalign, xdigits, xdisplay
● 0 images

xtableFtable (Package: xtable) :

xtableFtable creates an object which contains information about a flat table which can be used by print.xtableFtable to produce a character string which when included in a document produces a nicely formatted flat table.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: category, print
● Alias: print.xtableFtable, xtableFtable
● 0 images

xtable-internal (Package: xtable) : Internal xtable Functions

Internal functions for the package xtable
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: lagImpactMat, xtableLSMeans
● 0 images

xtableList (Package: xtable) :

xtableList creates an object which contains information about lists of table which can be used by print.xtableList to produce a character string which when included in a document produces a nicely formatted table made up of the information in the individual tables which comprised the original list of tables.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: print.xtableList, xtableList
● 0 images

print.xtable (Package: xtable) : Print Export Tables

Function returning and displaying or writing to disk the LaTeX or HTML code associated with the supplied object of class xtable.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: print.xtable
● 0 images

string (Package: xtable) : String handling functions

Private functions for conveniently working with strings.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: +.string, as.string, is.string, print.string, string
● 0 images

table.attributes (Package: xtable) : Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables

Functions retrieving or setting table attributes for the supplied object of class "xtable".
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: align, align.xtable, align<-, align<-.xtable, caption, caption.xtable, caption<-, caption<-.xtable, digits, digits.xtable, digits<-, digits<-.xtable, display, display.xtable, display<-, display<-.xtable, label, label.xtable, label<-, label<-.xtable
● 0 images

xtableMatharray (Package: xtable) :

Convert an array of numbers or mathematical expressions into an xtableMatharray object so it can be printed. A convenience function to enable the printing of arrays in mathematical expressions in LaTeX
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: xtableMatharray
● 0 images

sanitize (Package: xtable) :

Functions for sanitizing elements of a table produced by xtable. Used for dealing with characters which have special meaning in the output format.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias:, as.math, sanitize,, sanitize.numbers
● 0 images