Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 15 found.
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ZIClass (Package: zooimage) : Create and manipulate 'ZIClass' objects

'ZIClass' objects are key items in ZooImage. They contain all what is required for automatically classify plancton from .zid files. They can be used as blackboxes by all users (but require users trained in machine learning techniques to build them). Hence, ZooImage is made very simple for biologists that just want to use classifiers but do not want to worry about all the complexities of what is done inside the engine!
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: tree
● Alias: ZIClass, confusion.ZIClass, predict.ZIClass, print.ZIClass, summary.ZIClass
● 0 images

zip (Package: zooimage) : Zip and unzip raw .tif images for ZooImage and embed metadata

Perform simple zip/unzip operations on images. Corresponding metadata from .zim files are embedded as zip comments.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: unzipImg, unzipImgAll, zipImg, zipImgAll
● 0 images

zie (Package: zooimage) : ZIE (ZooImage Extension) manipulate .zie files to add custom import, export, etc. routines to ZooImage

A .zie file describes sequentially images and tells how to convert and rename them and automates creation of associated metadata (.zim files). At the end of the process, one ends with complete and fully usable information (both the images with correct format/name and the metadata), so that you can proceed in ZooImage with imported data.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: ZIE, print.ZIE, zieCompile, zieCompileFlowCAM, zieMake
● 0 images

utilities (Package: zooimage) : Various utility functions used by ZooImage

These functions are usually not called directly by the user, but they are interesting for developers.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: addClass, calcVars, calibrate, dropVars, ecd, getDec, listSamples, makeId, parseIni, sampleInfo, trimString, underscoreToSpace, zipNoteAdd, zipNoteGet
● 0 images

zis (Package: zooimage) : Manipulate .zis files (ZooImage Samples description)

Additional data concerning the samples are collected together in .zis files. These functions manipulate such .zis files.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: zisCreate, zisEdit, zisRead
● 0 images

ZITrain (Package: zooimage) : Manipulate training and testsets 'ZITrain'/'ZITest' objects

'ZITrain' contain a hierarchy of classes (taxonomic or not) and a link to a series of items belonging to these classes. It can be obtained after manual or automatic classification of various objects from .zid or .zidb files. 'ZITest' objects are almost identical, but with a constraint on the classes that must match the ones of the reference 'ZItrain' or 'ZIClass' object (a necessity to allow for comparisons)!
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: addToTest, addToTrain, getTest, getTrain, prepareTest, prepareTrain, recode, recode.ZITest, recode.ZITrain, template, template.default
● 0 images

ZIRes (Package: zooimage) : Various function to calculate results ('ZIRes' object)

Having classified items in a 'ZIDat' object, these function calculate various statistic descriptors of whole samples (abundances, biomasses, size spectra) and they collect them together in a 'ZIRes' object.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: print.ZIRes, processSample, processSampleAll, rbind.ZIRes
● 0 images

gui (Package: zooimage) : The ZooImage GUI (Graphical User Interface)

These function display menus and dialog boxes to access ZooImages function without programming. Most of them are not intended to be called directly.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: ZIDlg, aboutZI, acquireImg, addVigsToTrain, analyzeClass, calib, closeAssistant, closeZooImage, collectTrain, editDescription, exitZI, exportResults, focusGraph, focusR, importImg, listObjects, loadObjects, makeClass, makeTrain, makeZid, optInOutDecimalSep, processImg, processSamples, removeObjects, saveObjects, viewManual, viewResults, vignettesClass
● 0 images

zid (Package: zooimage) : Manage .zid files (ZooImage Data)

Compress, uncompress and verify ZooImage Data files.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: zidClean, zidCompress, zidCompressAll, zidDatMake, zidDatRead, zidUncompress, zidUncompressAll, zidVerify, zidVerifyAll
● 0 images

zidb (Package: zooimage) : Manage .zidb files (ZooImage Databases)

Compress, uncompress .zidb files that contain data for a sample. Starting from ZooImage 3, the new format uses filehash tables for better performances. Conversion from and to the old .zid format (a zip archive indeed) is supported for compatibility with old datasets.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: zidToZidb, zidToZidbAll, zidbDatRead, zidbDrawVignette, zidbLink, zidbMake, zidbMakeAll, zidbPlotNew, zidbSampleRead, zidbToZid, zidbToZidAll
● 0 images