Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 182551 - 182560 of 182600 found.
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wp_yearmonth (Package: wikipediatrend) : function for getting year and month of a timestamp

function for getting year and month of a timestamp
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: wp_yearmonth
● 0 images

Prox (Package: wildlifeDI) : Proximity Index

The function Prox simply computes the proportion of fixes that are proximal, based on some spatial threshold – dc (Bertrand et al. 1996). It also facilitates local-level proximity analysis
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: Prox
● 0 images

checkTO (Package: wildlifeDI) : Check for temporal overlap

The function checkTO is a simple function for identifying if, and for how long, two telemetry datasets overlap (temporally) with each other. The function returns a list with three pieces of information: a logical variable indicating if the two trajectories overlap temporally, and timings of the beginning and end of the overlap period.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: overlap, temporal
● Alias: checkTO
● 0 images

HAI (Package: wildlifeDI) : Half-weight Association Index

This function computes the Half-weight Association Index for examining the presence of dynamic interaction in wildlife telemetry studies. This implementation follows that outlined in the paper Atwood and Weeks (2003).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: HAI
● 0 images

wildlifeDI-package (Package: wildlifeDI) : wildlifeDI: Calculate Indices of Dynamic Interaction for Wildlife Telemetry Data

Dynamic interaction refers to spatial-temporal associations in the movements of two (or more) animals. This package provides tools for calculating a suite of indices used for quantifying dynamic interaction with wildlife telemetry data. For more information on each of the methods employed see the references within. The package draws heavily on the classes and methods developed in the 'adehabitat' packages.

The package wildlifeDI allows users to compute a number of currently available indices of dynamic interaction useful for wildlife telemetry studies. The currently available methods include:
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: wildlifeDI-package
● 0 images

Lixn (Package: wildlifeDI) : Minta's Spatial-temporal interaction statistics

The function Lixn measures dynamic interaction between two animals following the methods outlined by Minta (1992).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: Lixn
● 0 images

Cr (Package: wildlifeDI) : Movement Correlation Coefficient

The function Cr computes the correlation statistic for movement data as presented in the paper by Shirabe (2006). The statistic is essentially a Pearson product-moment correlation statistic formulated for use with movement data.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: Cr
● 0 images

DI (Package: wildlifeDI) : Dynamic interaction index

The function DI measures dynamic interaction between two moving objects. It calculates the local level di statistic for movement displacement, direction, and overall. DI can compute time- and/or distance-based weighting schemes following Long and Nelson (2013).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: DI
● 0 images

Don (Package: wildlifeDI) : Doncaster's measure of dynamic interaction

The function Don measures the dynamic interaction between two moving objects following the methods outlined by Doncaster (1990).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: Don
● 0 images

IAB (Package: wildlifeDI) : Benhamou's IAB Index

The function IAB computes the IAB index following the methods described in the paper by Benhamou et al. (2014). It facilitates global analysis, with the significance testing procedure described in the paper, but also a local level output, to explore the IAB statistic through time.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: indices
● Alias: IAB
● 0 images