Last data update: 2014.03.03


Package: forensim
Type: Package
Title: Statistical tools for the interpretation of forensic DNA
Version: 4.3
Date: 2013-09-14
Author: Hinda Haned <>
Maintainer: Hinda Haned <>
Depends: methods, tcltk, tcltk2, tkrplot
Description: Statistical methods and simulation tools for the
interpretation of forensic DNA mixtures
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Collate: classes_definitions.R classes_constructors.R accessors.R
simufreqD.R simupopD.R AuxFunc.R changepop.R PE.R likelihood.R
likestim.R mincontri.R A2.simu.R A3.simu.R A4.simu.R
mastermix.R N2Exact.R N2error.R simMixSNP.R wrapdataL.R
simPCR2.R simPCR2TK.R PV.R Hbsimu.R LR.R LRmixTK.R
Repository: CRAN
Repository/R-Forge/Project: forensim
Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 443
Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2013-09-14 07:54:35
Date/Publication: 2013-09-15 18:24:52
Packaged: 2013-09-14 10:15:22 UTC; rforge
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: Tcl/Tk package TkTable.

Install log

* installing to library '/home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library'
ERROR: dependencies 'tcltk2', 'tkrplot' are not available for package 'forensim'
* removing '/home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/forensim'