Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 238 found.
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isomiRs : Analyze isomiRs and miRNAs from small RNA-seq

Package: isomiRs
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2016-06-01
Type: Package
Title: Analyze isomiRs and miRNAs from small RNA-seq
Description: Characterization of miRNAs and isomiRs, clustering and
differential expression.
biocViews: miRNA, RNASeq, DifferentialExpression, Clustering
Suggests: knitr, RUnit, BiocStyle
Depends: R (>= 3.2), DiscriMiner, IRanges, S4Vectors, GenomicRanges,
SummarizedExperiment (>= 0.2.0)
Imports: BiocGenerics (>= 0.7.5), DESeq2, plyr, dplyr, RColorBrewer,
gplots, methods, ggplot2, GGally
Author: Lorena Pantano, Georgia Escaramis
Maintainer: Lorena Pantano <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-06-02 06:05:46 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Clustering, DifferentialExpression, RNASeq, miRNA
4 images, 13 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

consensusSeekeR : Detection of consensus regions inside a group of experiences using genomic positions and genomic ranges

Package: consensusSeekeR
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2015-05-01
Title: Detection of consensus regions inside a group of experiences
using genomic positions and genomic ranges
Description: This package compares genomic positions and genomic ranges from
multiple experiments to extract common regions. The size of the analyzed region
is adjustable as well as the number of experiences in which a feature must be
present in a potential region to tag this region as a consensus region.
Author: Astrid Deschenes [cre, aut], Fabien Claude Lamaze [ctb], Pascal Belleau
[aut], Arnaud Droit [aut]
Author@R: c(person("Astrid", "Deschenes", email="Astrid-",
role=c("cre","aut")), person("Fabien Claude", "Lamaze",
email="", role=c("ctb")),
person("Pascal", "Belleau",
email="", role=c("aut")),
person("Arnaud", "Droit",
email="", role=c("aut")))
Depends: R (>= 2.10), BiocGenerics, IRanges, GenomicRanges,
Imports: GenomeInfoDb, rtracklayer, stringr, S4Vectors
Suggests: BiocStyle, ggplot2, knitr, RUnit
License: Artistic-2.0
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
biocViews: BiologicalQuestion, ChIPSeq, Genetics, MultipleComparison,
Transcription, PeakDetection, Sequencing, Coverage
Maintainer: Astrid Louise Deschenes <>
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Packaged: 2016-05-16 05:51:37 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: BiologicalQuestion, ChIPSeq, Coverage, Genetics, MultipleComparison, PeakDetection, Sequencing, Transcription
● 0 images, 7 functions, 20 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

customProDB : Generate customized protein database from NGS data, with a focus on RNA-Seq data, for proteomics search.

Package: customProDB
Type: Package
Title: Generate customized protein database from NGS data, with a focus
on RNA-Seq data, for proteomics search.
Version: 1.12.0
Date: 2015-05-29
Author: xiaojing wang
Maintainer: xiaojing wang <>
Description: Generate customized protein sequence database from RNA-Seq
data for proteomics search
License: Artistic-2.0
Depends: R (>= 3.0.1), IRanges, AnnotationDbi, biomaRt
Imports: S4Vectors (>= 0.9.25), IRanges, GenomeInfoDb, GenomicRanges,
Rsamtools (>= 1.10.2), GenomicAlignments, Biostrings (>=
2.26.3), GenomicFeatures (>= 1.17.13), biomaRt (>= 2.17.1),
stringr, RCurl, plyr, VariantAnnotation (>= 1.13.44),
rtracklayer, RSQLite, AnnotationDbi
Suggests: BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
LazyLoad: yes
biocViews: MassSpectrometry, Proteomics, SNP, RNASeq, Software,
Transcription, AlternativeSplicing
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 05:01:52 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AlternativeSplicing, MassSpectrometry, Proteomics, RNASeq, SNP, Software, Transcription
● 0 images, 19 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

deepSNV : Detection of subclonal SNVs in deep sequencing data.

Package: deepSNV
Maintainer: Moritz Gerstung <>
License: GPL-3
Title: Detection of subclonal SNVs in deep sequencing data.
biocViews: GeneticVariability, SNP, Sequencing, Genetics, DataImport
LinkingTo: Rhtslib
Type: Package
LazyLoad: yes
Authors@R: c( person("Niko","Beerenwinkel", role="ths"),
person("David", "Jones", role = "ctb"),
person("Inigo", "Martincorena", role = "ctb"),
email = "", role= c("aut","cre")) )
Description: This package provides provides quantitative variant callers for
detecting subclonal mutations in ultra-deep (>=100x coverage) sequencing
experiments. The deepSNV algorithm is used for a comparative setup with a
control experiment of the same loci and uses a beta-binomial model and a
likelihood ratio test to discriminate sequencing errors and subclonal SNVs.
The shearwater algorithm computes a Bayes classifier based on a
beta-binomial model for variant calling with multiple samples for
precisely estimating model parameters such as local error rates and
dispersion and prior knowledge, e.g. from variation data bases such as
Version: 1.18.1
Depends: R (>= 2.13.0), methods, graphics, parallel, Rhtslib, IRanges,
GenomicRanges, SummarizedExperiment, Biostrings, VGAM,
VariantAnnotation (>= 1.13.44),
Imports: Rhtslib
Suggests: RColorBrewer, knitr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-12 03:17:01 UTC; biocbuild
Author: Niko Beerenwinkel [ths],
David Jones [ctb],
Inigo Martincorena [ctb],
Moritz Gerstung [aut, cre]

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: DataImport, GeneticVariability, Genetics, SNP, Sequencing
27 images, 35 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

epigenomix : Epigenetic and gene transcription data normalization and integration with mixture models

Package: epigenomix
Type: Package
Title: Epigenetic and gene transcription data normalization and
integration with mixture models
Version: 1.12.0
Date: 2016-02-08
Author: Hans-Ulrich Klein, Martin Schaefer
Maintainer: Hans-Ulrich Klein <>
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), methods, Biobase, S4Vectors, IRanges,
GenomicRanges, SummarizedExperiment
Imports: BiocGenerics, MCMCpack, Rsamtools, parallel, GenomeInfoDb,
Description: A package for the integrative analysis of RNA-seq or
microarray based gene transcription and histone modification
data obtained by ChIP-seq. The package provides methods for
data preprocessing and matching as well as methods for fitting
bayesian mixture models in order to detect genes with
differences in both data types.
License: LGPL-3
biocViews: ChIPSeq, GeneExpression, DifferentialExpression,
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:53:55 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: ChIPSeq, Classification, DifferentialExpression, GeneExpression
8 images, 17 functions, 4 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

rfPred : Assign rfPred functional prediction scores to a missense variants list

Package: rfPred
Type: Package
Title: Assign rfPred functional prediction scores to a missense
variants list
Version: 1.10.0
Date: 2013-07-17
Author: Fabienne Jabot-Hanin, Hugo Varet and Jean-Philippe Jais
Depends: Rsamtools, GenomicRanges, IRanges, data.table, methods,
Suggests: BiocStyle
Maintainer: Hugo Varet <>
Description: Based on external numerous data files where rfPred scores
are pre-calculated on all genomic positions of the human exome,
the package gives rfPred scores to missense variants identified
by the chromosome, the position (hg19 version), the referent
and alternative nucleotids and the uniprot identifier of the
protein. Note that for using the package, the user has to be
connected on the Internet or to download the TabixFile and
index (approximately 3.3 Go).
License: GPL (>=2 )
biocViews: Software, Annotation, Classification
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-04 05:02:18 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Annotation, Classification, Software
● 0 images, 3 functions, 2 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

scsR : SiRNA correction for seed mediated off-target effect

Package: scsR
Type: Package
Title: SiRNA correction for seed mediated off-target effect
Version: 1.8.0
Date: 2014-10-28
Author: Andrea Franceschini
Maintainer: Andrea Franceschini <>, Roger Meier <>, Christian von Mering <>
Description: Corrects genome-wide siRNA screens for seed mediated off-target effect. Suitable functions to identify the effective seeds/miRNAs and to visualize their effect are also provided in the package.
License: GPL-2
Depends: R (>= 2.14.0), STRINGdb, methods, BiocGenerics, Biostrings,
IRanges, plyr, tcltk
Imports: sqldf, hash, ggplot2, graphics, grDevices, RColorBrewer
Suggests: RUnit
biocViews: Preprocessing
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 05:20:40 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Preprocessing
● 0 images, 32 functions, 3 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

segmentSeq : Methods for identifying small RNA loci from high-throughput sequencing data

Package: segmentSeq
Type: Package
Title: Methods for identifying small RNA loci from high-throughput
sequencing data
Version: 2.6.0
Date: 2010-01-20
Author: Thomas J. Hardcastle
Maintainer: Thomas J. Hardcastle <>
Description: High-throughput sequencing technologies allow the production of large volumes of short sequences, which can be aligned to the genome to create a set of matches to the genome. By looking for regions of the genome which to which there are high densities of matches, we can infer a segmentation of the genome into regions of biological significance. The methods in this package allow the simultaneous segmentation of data from multiple samples, taking into account replicate data, in order to create a consensus segmentation. This has obvious applications in a number of classes of sequencing experiments, particularly in the discovery of small RNA loci and novel mRNA transcriptome discovery.
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 2.3.0), methods, baySeq (>= 1.99.0), ShortRead,
GenomicRanges, IRanges, S4Vectors
Suggests: BiocStyle, BiocGenerics
Imports: graphics, grDevices, utils
biocViews: MultipleComparison, Sequencing, Alignment,
DifferentialExpression, QualityControl, DataImport
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:02:57 UTC; biocbuild
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Alignment, DataImport, DifferentialExpression, MultipleComparison, QualityControl, Sequencing
1 images, 25 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

traseR : GWAS trait-associated SNP enrichment analyses in genomic intervals

Package: traseR
Type: Package
Title: GWAS trait-associated SNP enrichment analyses in genomic
Version: 1.2.0
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), GenomicRanges, IRanges, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
Suggests: BiocStyle, RUnit, BiocGenerics
Date: 2015-11-20
Author: Li Chen, Zhaohui S.Qin
Maintainer: li chen<>
Description: traseR performs GWAS trait-associated SNP enrichment
analyses in genomic intervals using different hypothesis
testing approaches, also provides various functionalities to
explore and visualize the results.
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes
biocViews: Genetics,Sequencing, Coverage, Alignment, QualityControl,
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 06:24:56 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Alignment, Coverage, DataImport, Genetics, QualityControl, Sequencing
4 images, 9 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

triform : Triform finds enriched regions (peaks) in transcription factor ChIP-sequencing data

Package: triform
Type: Package
Title: Triform finds enriched regions (peaks) in transcription factor
ChIP-sequencing data
Version: 1.14.0
Date: 2016-02-11
Encoding: UTF-8
Authors@R: c(person("Karl Kornacker", "Developer", role = "aut", email
= ""), person("Tony Handstad",
"Developer", role = c("aut", "cre"),
Depends: R (>= 2.11.0), IRanges, yaml
Imports: BiocGenerics, IRanges (>= 2.5.27), yaml
Suggests: RUnit
Description: The Triform algorithm uses model-free statistics to
identify peak-like distributions of TF ChIP sequencing reads,
taking advantage of an improved peak definition in combination
with known profile characteristics.
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:40:22 UTC; biocbuild
Author: Karl Kornacker Developer [aut], Tony Handstad Developer [aut,
Maintainer: Thomas Carroll <>
biocViews: Sequencing, ChIPSeq
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: ChIPSeq, Sequencing
● 0 images, 3 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0