Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 198 found.
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isomiRs : Analyze isomiRs and miRNAs from small RNA-seq

Package: isomiRs
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2016-06-01
Type: Package
Title: Analyze isomiRs and miRNAs from small RNA-seq
Description: Characterization of miRNAs and isomiRs, clustering and
differential expression.
biocViews: miRNA, RNASeq, DifferentialExpression, Clustering
Suggests: knitr, RUnit, BiocStyle
Depends: R (>= 3.2), DiscriMiner, IRanges, S4Vectors, GenomicRanges,
SummarizedExperiment (>= 0.2.0)
Imports: BiocGenerics (>= 0.7.5), DESeq2, plyr, dplyr, RColorBrewer,
gplots, methods, ggplot2, GGally
Author: Lorena Pantano, Georgia Escaramis
Maintainer: Lorena Pantano <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-06-02 06:05:46 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Clustering, DifferentialExpression, RNASeq, miRNA
4 images, 13 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

epigenomix : Epigenetic and gene transcription data normalization and integration with mixture models

Package: epigenomix
Type: Package
Title: Epigenetic and gene transcription data normalization and
integration with mixture models
Version: 1.12.0
Date: 2016-02-08
Author: Hans-Ulrich Klein, Martin Schaefer
Maintainer: Hans-Ulrich Klein <>
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), methods, Biobase, S4Vectors, IRanges,
GenomicRanges, SummarizedExperiment
Imports: BiocGenerics, MCMCpack, Rsamtools, parallel, GenomeInfoDb,
Description: A package for the integrative analysis of RNA-seq or
microarray based gene transcription and histone modification
data obtained by ChIP-seq. The package provides methods for
data preprocessing and matching as well as methods for fitting
bayesian mixture models in order to detect genes with
differences in both data types.
License: LGPL-3
biocViews: ChIPSeq, GeneExpression, DifferentialExpression,
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:53:55 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: ChIPSeq, Classification, DifferentialExpression, GeneExpression
8 images, 17 functions, 4 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

segmentSeq : Methods for identifying small RNA loci from high-throughput sequencing data

Package: segmentSeq
Type: Package
Title: Methods for identifying small RNA loci from high-throughput
sequencing data
Version: 2.6.0
Date: 2010-01-20
Author: Thomas J. Hardcastle
Maintainer: Thomas J. Hardcastle <>
Description: High-throughput sequencing technologies allow the production of large volumes of short sequences, which can be aligned to the genome to create a set of matches to the genome. By looking for regions of the genome which to which there are high densities of matches, we can infer a segmentation of the genome into regions of biological significance. The methods in this package allow the simultaneous segmentation of data from multiple samples, taking into account replicate data, in order to create a consensus segmentation. This has obvious applications in a number of classes of sequencing experiments, particularly in the discovery of small RNA loci and novel mRNA transcriptome discovery.
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 2.3.0), methods, baySeq (>= 1.99.0), ShortRead,
GenomicRanges, IRanges, S4Vectors
Suggests: BiocStyle, BiocGenerics
Imports: graphics, grDevices, utils
biocViews: MultipleComparison, Sequencing, Alignment,
DifferentialExpression, QualityControl, DataImport
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:02:57 UTC; biocbuild
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Alignment, DataImport, DifferentialExpression, MultipleComparison, QualityControl, Sequencing
1 images, 25 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

triplex : Search and visualize intramolecular triplex-forming sequences in DNA

Package: triplex
Type: Package
Title: Search and visualize intramolecular triplex-forming sequences in
Version: 1.12.0
Date: 2013-09-28
Authors@R: c(person("Jiri", "Hon", role = c("aut", "cre"),
email = ""),
person("Matej", "Lexa", role = "aut",
email = ""),
person("Tomas", "Martinek", role = "aut",
email = ""),
person("Kamil", "Rajdl", role = "aut"),
person("Daniel", "Kopecek", role = "ctb"))
Author: Jiri Hon, Matej Lexa, Tomas Martinek and Kamil Rajdl with contributions from Daniel Kopecek
Maintainer: Jiri Hon <>
Description: This package provides functions for identification and
visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequence.
The main functionality is to detect the positions of subsequences capable of
folding into an intramolecular triplex (H-DNA) in a much larger sequence.
The potential H-DNA (triplexes) should be made of as many cannonical
nucleotide triplets as possible. The package includes visualization showing
the exact base-pairing in 1D, 2D or 3D.
License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
biocViews: SequenceMatching, GeneRegulation
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), S4Vectors (>= 0.5.14), IRanges (>= 2.5.27),
XVector (>= 0.11.6), Biostrings (>= 2.39.10)
Imports: methods, grid, GenomicRanges
Suggests: rgl (>= 0.93.932), BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce10, rtracklayer,
LinkingTo: S4Vectors, IRanges, XVector, Biostrings
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-05 03:50:37 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: GeneRegulation, SequenceMatching
2 images, 13 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

plethy : R framework for exploration and analysis of respirometry data

Package: plethy
Version: 1.10.0
Date: 2013-4-26
Title: R framework for exploration and analysis of respirometry data
Authors@R: c(person("Daniel", "Bottomly", role=c("aut", "cre"), email=""),
person("Marty", "Ferris", role="ctb"),
person("Beth", "Wilmot", role="aut"),
person("Shannon", "McWeeney", role="aut"))
Imports: Streamer, DBI, RSQLite (>= 1.0.0), IRanges, reshape2, plyr,
RColorBrewer, ggplot2, Biobase
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), methods, BiocGenerics, S4Vectors
Suggests: RUnit, BiocStyle
Description: This package provides the infrastructure and tools to import, query
and perform basic analysis of whole body plethysmography and metabolism
data. Currently support is limited to data derived from Buxco respirometry
instruments as exported by their FinePointe software.
License: GPL-3
biocViews: DataImport, biocViews, Infastructure,
Collate: BuxcoDB.R RetList.R buxco_db_v2.R dep_parser.R utilities.R
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:57:49 UTC; biocbuild
NeedsCompilation: no
Author: Daniel Bottomly [aut, cre],
Marty Ferris [ctb],
Beth Wilmot [aut],
Shannon McWeeney [aut]
Maintainer: Daniel Bottomly <>

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: DataImport, DataRepresentation, Infastructure, TimeCourse, biocViews
● 0 images, 6 functions, 0 datasets
Reverse Depends: 1

pd.hg.u95e : Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG_U95E

Package: pd.hg.u95e
Title: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG_U95E
Description: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG_U95E
Version: 3.12.0
Author: Benilton Carvalho
Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho <>
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), Biostrings (>= 2.35.12), methods, RSQLite (>=
1.0.0), oligoClasses (>= 1.29.6), oligo (>= 1.31.5), DBI (>=
0.3.1), IRanges (>= 2.1.43), S4Vectors (>= 0.5.22)
License: Artistic-2.0
biocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
ZipData: no
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-04-12 23:40:06 UTC; benilton

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
● 0 images, 1 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

pd.hg18.60mer.expr : Platform Design Info for NimbleGen hg18_60mer_expr

Package: pd.hg18.60mer.expr
Title: Platform Design Info for NimbleGen hg18_60mer_expr
Description: Platform Design Info for NimbleGen hg18_60mer_expr
Version: 3.12.0
Author: Benilton Carvalho
Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho <>
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), Biostrings (>= 2.35.12), methods, RSQLite (>=
1.0.0), oligoClasses (>= 1.29.6), oligo (>= 1.31.5), DBI (>=
0.3.1), IRanges (>= 2.1.43), S4Vectors (>= 0.5.22)
License: Artistic-2.0
biocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
ZipData: no
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-04-12 23:35:53 UTC; benilton

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
● 0 images, 1 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0 : Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_HG-U133_Plus_PM

Title: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name
Description: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_HG-U133_Plus_PM
Version: 3.12.0
Author: Benilton Carvalho
Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho <>
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), Biostrings (>= 2.35.12), methods, RSQLite (>=
1.0.0), oligoClasses (>= 1.29.6), oligo (>= 1.31.5), DBI (>=
0.3.1), IRanges (>= 2.1.43), S4Vectors (>= 0.5.22)
License: Artistic-2.0
biocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
ZipData: no
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-04-12 23:37:09 UTC; benilton

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
● 0 images, 1 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0 : Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_HG-U133A

Title: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_HG-U133A
Description: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_HG-U133A
Version: 3.12.0
Author: Benilton Carvalho
Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho <>
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), Biostrings (>= 2.35.12), methods, RSQLite (>=
1.0.0), oligoClasses (>= 1.29.6), oligo (>= 1.31.5), DBI (>=
0.3.1), IRanges (>= 2.1.43), S4Vectors (>= 0.5.22)
License: Artistic-2.0
biocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
ZipData: no
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-04-12 23:39:12 UTC; benilton

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
● 0 images, 1 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0 : Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_MG-430A

Title: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_MG-430A
Description: Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HT_MG-430A
Version: 3.12.0
Author: Benilton Carvalho
Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho <>
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), Biostrings (>= 2.35.12), methods, RSQLite (>=
1.0.0), oligoClasses (>= 1.29.6), oligo (>= 1.31.5), DBI (>=
0.3.1), IRanges (>= 2.1.43), S4Vectors (>= 0.5.22)
License: Artistic-2.0
biocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
ZipData: no
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-04-12 23:37:39 UTC; benilton

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AnnotationData, oligo
● 0 images, 1 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0