Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 58 found.
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mdhglm : Multivariate Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models

Package: mdhglm
Type: Package
Title: Multivariate Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
Version: 1.4
Date: 2016-06-28
Author: Youngjo Lee, Marek Molas, Maengseok Noh
Maintainer: Maengseok Noh <>
Description: Allows various models for multivariate response variables where each response is assumed to follow double hierarchical generalized linear models. In double hierarchical generalized linear models, the mean, dispersion parameters for variance of random effects, and residual variance can be further modeled as random-effect models.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), methods, Matrix, numDeriv, boot, mvtnorm
License: Unlimited
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-06-28 06:47:37 UTC; msnoh
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-06-28 08:56:42

● Data Source: CranContrib
● 0 images, 38 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

mem : Moving Epidemic Method R Package.

Package: mem
Type: Package
Title: Moving Epidemic Method R Package.
Version: 1.4
Date: 2014-07-10
Author: Jose E. Lozano Alonso <>
Maintainer: Jose E. Lozano Alonso <>
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), sm, boot
Description: Modelization of influenza epidemics in order to monitor future activity.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2014-07-18 07:38:59 UTC; lozalojo
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-18 10:06:13

● Data Source: CranContrib
● 0 images, 6 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

gb : Generalize Lambda Distribution and Generalized Bootstrapping

Package: gb
Version: 1.1.8-8
Date: 2013-8-8
Title: Generalize Lambda Distribution and Generalized Bootstrapping
Author: Bin Wang
Maintainer: Bin Wang <>
Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), boot
Description: This package collects algorithms and functions for fitting data to a generalized lambda distribution via moment matching methods, and generalized bootstrapping.
License: Unlimited
Packaged: 2013-08-08 16:55:37 UTC; bwang
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-08-08 19:46:47
NeedsCompilation: yes

● Data Source: CranContrib
● 0 images, 5 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

nFactors : Parallel Analysis and Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test

Package: nFactors
Type: Package
Title: Parallel Analysis and Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell
Scree Test
Version: 2.3.3
Date: 2010-04-10
Encoding: latin1
Author: Gilles Raiche (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) and David Magis (Universite de Liege)
Maintainer: Gilles Raiche <>
Depends: R (>= 2.9.2), MASS, psych, boot, lattice
Suggests: xtable
Description: Indices, heuristics and strategies to help determine the number of factors/components to retain:
1. Acceleration factor (af with or without Parallel Analysis);
2. Optimal Coordinates (noc with or without Parallel Analysis);
3. Parallel analysis (components, factors and bootstrap);
4. lambda > mean(lambda) (Kaiser, CFA and related);
5. Cattell-Nelson-Gorsuch (CNG);
6. Zoski and Jurs multiple regression (b, t and p);
7. Zoski and Jurs standard error of the regression coeffcient (sescree);
8. Nelson R2;
9. Bartlett khi-2;
10. Anderson khi-2;
11. Lawley khi-2 and
12. Bentler-Yuan khi-2.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2011-12-19 13:42:55 UTC; HP_Propriétaire
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-12-20 11:47:27

● Data Source: CranContrib
● Cran Task View: Multivariate, Psychometrics
● 0 images, 31 functions, 1 datasets
Reverse Depends: 1

laeken : Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty

Package: laeken
Type: Package
Title: Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty
Version: 0.4.6
Date: 2014-08-19
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), boot, MASS
Description: Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty, as well
as Pareto tail modeling for empirical income distributions.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Authors@R: c(person("Andreas", "Alfons", email = "",
role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Josef", "Holzer", role = "aut"),
person("Matthias", "Templ", role = "aut"))
Packaged: 2014-08-19 12:40:35 UTC; andreas
Author: Andreas Alfons [aut, cre],
Josef Holzer [aut],
Matthias Templ [aut]
Maintainer: Andreas Alfons <>
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-08-19 15:23:17

● Data Source: CranContrib
● Cran Task View: OfficialStatistics
● 0 images, 39 functions, 2 datasets
Reverse Depends: 1

DCluster : Functions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases

Package: DCluster
Version: 0.2-7
Date: 2015-02-24
Title: Functions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases
Encoding: latin1
Author: Virgilio Gómez-Rubio, Juan Ferrándiz-Ferragud and Antonio
López-Quílez, with contributions by Roger Bivand.
Maintainer: Virgilio Gómez-Rubio <>
Depends: R (>= 1.6.2), boot, spdep, MASS
Description: A set of functions for the detection of spatial clusters
of disease using count data. Bootstrap is used to estimate
sampling distributions of statistics.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2015-03-17 16:16:13 UTC; virgil
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-03-17 17:58:56

● Data Source: CranContrib
38 images, 41 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

DLMtool : Data-Limited Methods Toolkit

Package: DLMtool
Type: Package
Title: Data-Limited Methods Toolkit
Version: 3.2
Date: 2016-06-08
Author: Tom Carruthers and Adrian Hordyk
Maintainer: Tom Carruthers <>
Description: Simulation testing and implementation of data-limited fishery stock
assessment methods.
License: GPL-2
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), methods, snowfall, boot, MASS, parallel
LazyData: yes
LazyLoad: yes
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-06-08 11:20:15 UTC; Adrian
Imports: Rcpp, abind, readxl
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-06-09 05:49:14

● Data Source: CranContrib
3 images, 154 functions, 4 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

MDSGUI : A GUI for interactive MDS in R

Package: MDSGUI
Type: Package
Title: A GUI for interactive MDS in R
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 2012-08-28
Author: Andrew Timm and Sugnet Gardner-Lubbe
Maintainer: Andrew Timm <>
Depends: MASS, boot, RColorBrewer, scatterplot3d, tcltk, tcltk2,
tkrplot, rpanel, graphics, rgl
Description: A graphical user interface (GUI) for performing Multidimensional Scaling applications and interactively analysing the results all within the GUI environment. The MDS-GUI provides means of performing Classical Scaling, Least Squares Scaling, Metric SMACOF, Non-Metric SMACOF, Kruskal's Analysis and Sammon Mapping with animated optimisation.
License: GPL (>= 3)
LazyLoad: yes
OS_type: windows
SystemRequirements: windows, 'BWidget', 'Tktable'
Repository: CRAN
Repository/R-Forge/Project: mdsgui
Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 24
Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2014-10-19 10:15:38
Date/Publication: 2014-10-20 00:47:07
Packaged: 2014-10-19 10:50:40 UTC; rforge
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: CranContrib
● 0 images, 3 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

HPbayes : Heligman Pollard mortality model parameter estimation using Bayesian Melding with Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling

Package: HPbayes
Type: Package
Title: Heligman Pollard mortality model parameter estimation using
Bayesian Melding with Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling
Depends: MASS, mvtnorm, corpcor, numDeriv, stats, boot
Version: 0.1
Date: 2011-01-19
Author: David J Sharrow
Maintainer: Dave Sharrow <>
Description: This package provides all the functions necessary to
estimate the 8 parameters of the Heligman Pollard mortality
model using a Bayesian Melding procedure with IMIS as well as
to convert those parameters into age-specifc probabilities of
death and a corresponding life table
License: Unlimited
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2012-10-29 08:57:08 UTC; ripley
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2012-10-29 08:57:08

● Data Source: CranContrib
4 images, 20 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

Oncotree : Estimating oncogenetic trees

Package: Oncotree
Type: Package
Title: Estimating oncogenetic trees
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 2012-11-30
Author: Aniko Szabo, Lisa Pappas
Maintainer: Aniko Szabo <>
Depends: R (>= 2.10), boot
Suggests: lattice
Description: Contains functions to construct and evaluate directed tree structures that
model the process of occurrence of genetic alterations during carcinogenesis.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Repository: CRAN
Repository/R-Forge/Project: corrbin
Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 75
Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2013-12-10 21:28:47
Date/Publication: 2013-12-13 00:13:22
Packaged: 2013-12-10 23:27:26 UTC; rforge
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: CranContrib
6 images, 8 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0