Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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RecordLinkage : Record Linkage in R

Package: RecordLinkage
Version: 0.4-9
Title: Record Linkage in R
Author: Andreas Borg <>, Murat Sariyar <>
Maintainer: Andreas Borg <>
Description: Provides functions for linking and de-duplicating data sets.
Methods based on a stochastic approach are implemented as well as
classification algorithms from the machine learning domain.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), DBI, RSQLite (>= 0.9-1), ff, ffbase
Imports: e1071, rpart, ada, ipred, stats, evd, methods, data.table (>=
1.7.8), nnet, xtable
Suggests: RUnit
LinkingTo: RSQLite
Collate: register-S3-classes.r RLBigData-classes.r RLResult-class.r
accessor-methods.r evt.r classify.r classifySupv-methods.r
genSamples.r strcmp.r compare.r getPairs.r summary.r
em-methods.r internals.r em.r mygllm.r epilink-methods.r
phonetics.r onAttach.r getPairs-methods.r serialization.r
tools.r stochastic.r
Packaged: 2016-05-02 08:50:37 UTC; borg
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-05-02 13:21:08

● Data Source: CranContrib
● Cran Task View: OfficialStatistics
● 0 images, 52 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

tabplot : Tableplot, a Visualization of Large Datasets

Package: tabplot
Maintainer: Martijn Tennekes <>
License: GPL-3
Title: Tableplot, a Visualization of Large Datasets
Type: Package
LazyLoad: yes
Author: Martijn Tennekes and Edwin de Jonge
Description: A tableplot is a visualisation of a (large)
dataset with a dozen of variables, both numeric and
categorical. Each column represents a variable and each
row bin is an aggregate of a certain number of records.
Numeric variables are visualized as bar charts, and
categorical variables as stacked bar charts. Missing
values are taken into account. Also supports large ffdf
datasets from the ff package.
Version: 1.3
Date: 2016-03-25
Depends: bit, ff, ffbase (>= 0.12.2)
Imports: grid
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: shiny (>= 0.6), knitr, classInt, ggplot2
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-25 19:36:12 UTC; vt
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 15:47:38

● Data Source: CranContrib
● Cran Task View: OfficialStatistics
● 0 images, 18 functions, 1 datasets
Reverse Depends: 1