Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 46 found.
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maPredictDSC : Phenotype prediction using microarray data: approach of the best overall team in the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge

Package: maPredictDSC
Version: 1.10.0
Date: 2013-6-27
Title: Phenotype prediction using microarray data: approach of the best
overall team in the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge
Author: Adi Laurentiu Tarca <>
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0),
MASS, affy, limma, gcrma, ROC, class, e1071, caret, hgu133plus2.db, ROCR, AnnotationDbi, LungCancerACvsSCCGEO
Suggests: parallel
Maintainer: Adi Laurentiu Tarca <>
Description: This package implements the classification pipeline of the best overall team (Team221) in the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge. Additional functionality is added to compare 27 combinations of data preprocessing, feature selection and classifier types.
License: GPL-2
biocViews: Microarray, Classification
Collate: aggregateDSC.R perfDSC.R predictDSC.R maPredictDSC.R
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-04 05:01:21 UTC; biocbuild
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Classification, Microarray
● 0 images, 4 functions, 0 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

maigesPack : Functions to handle cDNA microarray data, including several methods of data analysis

Package: maigesPack
Version: 1.36.0
Title: Functions to handle cDNA microarray data, including several
methods of data analysis
Author: Gustavo H. Esteves <>, with contributions
from Roberto Hirata Jr <>, E. Jordao Neves
<>, Elier B. Cristo <>, Ana C.
Simoes <> and Lucas Fahham
Maintainer: Gustavo H. Esteves <>
Depends: R (>= 2.10), convert, graph, limma, marray, methods
Suggests: amap, annotate, class, e1071, MASS, multtest, OLIN, R2HTML,
rgl, som
Description: This package uses functions of various other packages
together with other functions in a coordinated way to handle
and analyse cDNA microarray data
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Collate: AllClasses.R AllGenerics.R print-methods.R summary-methods.R
show-methods.R dim-methods.R indexing-methods.R
coerce-methods.R plot-methods.R image-methods.R
boxplot-methods.R calcA-methods.R calcW-methods.R
getLabels-methods.R activeMod.R activeModScoreHTML.R
activeNet.R activeNetScoreHTML.R addGeneGrps.R addPaths.R
bootstrapCor.R bootstrapMI.R bootstrapT.R classifyKNN.R
classifyKNNsc.R classifyLDA.R classifyLDAsc.R classifySVM.R
classifySVMsc.R colors.R compCorr.R contrastsFitM.R
createMaigesRaw.R createTDMS.R deGenes2by2BootT.R
deGenes2by2Ttest.R deGenes2by2Wilcox.R deGenesANOVA.R
designANOVA.R heatmapsM.R hierMde.R hierM.R kmeansMde.R
kmeansM.R loadData.R MI.R normLoc.R normOLIN.R normRepLoess.R
normScaleLimma.R normScaleMarray.R plotGenePair.R relNet2TGF.R
relNetworkB.R relNetworkM.R robustCorr.R selSpots.R somMde.R
somM.R summarizeReplicates.R tableClass.R tablesDE.R
biocViews: Microarray, TwoChannel, Preprocessing, ThirdPartyClient,
DifferentialExpression, Clustering, Classification,
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-04 03:03:43 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Classification, Clustering, DifferentialExpression, GraphAndNetwork, Microarray, Preprocessing, ThirdPartyClient, TwoChannel
47 images, 70 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

coRNAi : Analysis of co-knock-down RNAi data

Package: coRNAi
Type: Package
Title: Analysis of co-knock-down RNAi data
Version: 1.22.0
Author: Elin Axelsson
Maintainer: Elin Axelsson <>
Description: Analysis of combinatorial cell-based RNAi screens
License: Artistic-2.0
Depends: R (>= 2.10), cellHTS2, limma, locfit
Imports: MASS, gplots, lattice, grDevices, graphics, stats
SystemRequirements: Graphviz
biocViews: CellBasedAssays
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 03:40:12 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: CellBasedAssays
11 images, 22 functions, 2 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

codelink : Manipulation of Codelink microarray data

Package: codelink
Version: 1.40.2
Date: 2016-03-15
Title: Manipulation of Codelink microarray data
Author: Diego Diez
Maintainer: Diego Diez <>
Depends: R (>= 2.10), BiocGenerics (>= 0.3.2), methods, Biobase (>=
2.17.8), limma
Imports: annotate
Suggests: genefilter, parallel, knitr
LazyLoad: yes
Description: This package facilitates reading, preprocessing and manipulating
Codelink microarray data. The raw data must be exported as text file using the
Codelink software.
License: GPL-2
Collate: Codelink-class.R CodelinkSet-class.R file.R data.R norm.R
plot.R CodelinkSet-methods.R CodelinkSet-tools.R
CodelinkSetUnique-class.R CodelinkSetUnique-methods.R filter.R
biocViews: Microarray, OneChannel, DataImport, Preprocessing
ByteCompile: yes
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-16 01:37:15 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: DataImport, Microarray, OneChannel, Preprocessing
● 0 images, 32 functions, 2 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

convert : Convert Microarray Data Objects

Package: convert
Version: 1.48.0
Title: Convert Microarray Data Objects
Author: Gordon Smyth <>,
James Wettenhall <>,
Yee Hwa (Jean Yang) <>,
Martin Morgan <>Martin Morgan
Maintainer: Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang <>
Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), Biobase (>= 1.15.33), limma (>= 1.7.0), marray,
utils, methods
Description: Define coerce methods for microarray data objects.
License: LGPL
biocViews: Infrastructure, Microarray, TwoChannel
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 02:41:28 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Infrastructure, Microarray, TwoChannel
● 0 images, 1 functions, 0 datasets
Reverse Depends: 2

edgeR : Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R

Package: edgeR
Version: 3.14.0
Date: 2016-04-19
Title: Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R
Description: Differential expression analysis of RNA-seq expression profiles with biological replication. Implements a range of statistical methodology based on the negative binomial distributions, including empirical Bayes estimation, exact tests, generalized linear models and quasi-likelihood tests. As well as RNA-seq, it be applied to differential signal analysis of other types of genomic data that produce counts, including ChIP-seq, SAGE and CAGE.
Author: Yunshun Chen <>, Aaron Lun <>, Davis McCarthy <>, Xiaobei Zhou <>, Mark Robinson <>, Gordon Smyth <>
Maintainer: Yunshun Chen <>, Aaron Lun <>, Mark Robinson <>, Davis McCarthy <>, Gordon Smyth <>
License: GPL (>=2)
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), limma
Imports: graphics, stats, utils, methods
Suggests: MASS, statmod, splines, locfit, KernSmooth
biocViews: GeneExpression, Transcription, AlternativeSplicing,
Coverage, DifferentialExpression, DifferentialSplicing,
GeneSetEnrichment, Genetics, Bayesian, Clustering, Regression,
TimeCourse, SAGE, Sequencing, ChIPSeq, RNASeq, BatchEffect,
MultipleComparison, Normalization, QualityControl
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-04 03:09:43 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: AlternativeSplicing, BatchEffect, Bayesian, ChIPSeq, Clustering, Coverage, DifferentialExpression, DifferentialSplicing, GeneExpression, GeneSetEnrichment, Genetics, MultipleComparison, Normalization, QualityControl, RNASeq, Regression, SAGE, Sequencing, TimeCourse, Transcription
19 images, 83 functions, 0 datasets
Reverse Depends: 13

snapCGH : Segmentation, normalisation and processing of aCGH data.

Package: snapCGH
Title: Segmentation, normalisation and processing of aCGH data.
Version: 1.42.0
Date: 2009-10-08
Author: Mike L. Smith, John C. Marioni, Steven McKinney, Thomas
Hardcastle, Natalie P. Thorne
Description: Methods for segmenting, normalising and processing aCGH
data; including plotting functions for visualising raw and
segmented data for individual and multiple arrays.
Maintainer: John Marioni <>
Depends: limma, DNAcopy, methods
Imports: aCGH, cluster, DNAcopy, GLAD, graphics, grDevices, limma,
methods, stats, tilingArray, utils
License: GPL
biocViews: Microarray, CopyNumberVariation, TwoChannel, Preprocessing
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-04 02:49:21 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: CopyNumberVariation, Microarray, Preprocessing, TwoChannel
● 0 images, 35 functions, 8 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

splineTCDiffExpr : Time-course differential gene expression data analysis using spline regression models followed by gene association network reconstruction

Package: splineTCDiffExpr
Type: Package
Title: Time-course differential gene expression data analysis using
spline regression models followed by gene association network
Version: 0.99.4
Date: 2015-09-30
Author: Agata Michna
Maintainer: Herbert Braselmann <>, Agata Michna <>
Depends: R (>= 3.3), Biobase, igraph, limma, GSEABase, gtools, splines,
GeneNet (>= 1.2.13), longitudinal (>= 1.1.12), FIs
Description: This package provides functions for differential gene
expression analysis of gene expression time-course data.
Natural cubic spline regression models are used. Identified
genes may further be used for pathway enrichment analysis
and/or the reconstruction of time dependent gene regulatory
association networks.
License: GPL-3
biocViews: GeneExpression, DifferentialExpression, TimeCourse,
Regression, GeneSetEnrichment, NetworkEnrichment,
NetworkInference, GraphAndNetwork
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-01-20 06:30:15 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: DifferentialExpression, GeneExpression, GeneSetEnrichment, GraphAndNetwork, NetworkEnrichment, NetworkInference, Regression, TimeCourse
1 images, 5 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

splineTimeR : Time-course differential gene expression data analysis using spline regression models followed by gene association network reconstruction

Package: splineTimeR
Type: Package
Title: Time-course differential gene expression data analysis using
spline regression models followed by gene association network
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2015-09-30
Author: Agata Michna
Maintainer: Herbert Braselmann <>, Agata Michna <>
Depends: R (>= 3.3), Biobase, igraph, limma, GSEABase, gtools, splines,
GeneNet (>= 1.2.13), longitudinal (>= 1.1.12), FIs
Description: This package provides functions for differential gene
expression analysis of gene expression time-course data.
Natural cubic spline regression models are used. Identified
genes may further be used for pathway enrichment analysis
and/or the reconstruction of time dependent gene regulatory
association networks.
License: GPL-3
biocViews: GeneExpression, DifferentialExpression, TimeCourse,
Regression, GeneSetEnrichment, NetworkEnrichment,
NetworkInference, GraphAndNetwork
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-16 05:53:15 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: DifferentialExpression, GeneExpression, GeneSetEnrichment, GraphAndNetwork, NetworkEnrichment, NetworkInference, Regression, TimeCourse
1 images, 5 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

tRanslatome : Comparison between multiple levels of gene expression

Package: tRanslatome
Type: Package
Title: Comparison between multiple levels of gene expression
Version: 1.10.0
Date: 2015-08-20
Author: Toma Tebaldi, Erik Dassi, Galena Kostoska
Maintainer: Toma Tebaldi <>, Erik Dassi <>
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), methods, limma, sigPathway, samr, anota, DESeq,
edgeR, RankProd, topGO,, GOSemSim, Heatplus,
gplots, plotrix, Biobase
Description: Detection of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from the comparison of two biological conditions (treated vs. untreated, diseased vs. normal, mutant vs. wild-type) among different levels of gene expression (transcriptome ,translatome, proteome), using several statistical methods: Rank Product, Translational Efficiency, t-test, SAM, Limma, ANOTA, DESeq, edgeR. Possibility to plot the results with scatterplots, histograms, MA plots, standard deviation (SD) plots, coefficient of variation (CV) plots. Detection of significantly enriched post-transcriptional regulatory factors (RBPs, miRNAs, etc) and Gene Ontology terms in the lists of DEGs previously identified for the two expression levels. Comparison of GO terms enriched only in one of the levels or in both. Calculation of the semantic similarity score between the lists of enriched GO terms coming from the two expression levels. Visual examination and comparison of the enriched terms with heatmaps, radar plots and barplots.
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
biocViews: CellBiology, GeneRegulation, Regulation, GeneExpression,
DifferentialExpression, Microarray, HighThroughputSequencing,
QualityControl, GO, MultipleComparisons, Bioinformatics
Packaged: 2016-05-04 04:58:42 UTC; biocbuild
NeedsCompilation: no

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Bioinformatics, CellBiology, DifferentialExpression, GO, GeneExpression, GeneRegulation, HighThroughputSequencing, Microarray, MultipleComparisons, QualityControl, Regulation
8 images, 40 functions, 1 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0