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BB : Solving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems

Package: BB
Version: 2014.10-1
Title: Solving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems
Description: Barzilai-Borwein spectral methods for solving nonlinear
system of equations, and for optimizing nonlinear objective
functions subject to simple constraints. A tutorial style
introduction to this package is available in a vignette on the
CRAN download page or, when the package is loaded in an R
session, with vignette("BB").
Depends: R (>= 2.6.1)
Imports: stats, quadprog
Suggests: setRNG, survival, Hmisc, numDeriv
BuildVignettes: false
LazyLoad: yes
ByteCompile: yes
License: GPL-3
Authors@R: c(
person("Ravi", "Varadhan", role=c("aut","cph","trl"), email=""),
person("Paul", "Gilbert", role=c("aut","cre"), email=""),
person("Marcos", "Raydan", role="ctb",
comment="with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package."),
person("JM", "Martinez", role="ctb",
comment="with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package."),
person("EG", "Birgin", role="ctb",
comment="with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package."),
person("W", "LaCruz", role="ctb",
comment="with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB package.")
Copyright: 2008-2013, Ravi Varadhan
Packaged: 2014-11-06 21:08:15 UTC; paul
Author: Ravi Varadhan [aut, cph, trl],
Paul Gilbert [aut, cre],
Marcos Raydan [ctb] (with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in
fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in
the BB package.),
JM Martinez [ctb] (with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in
fortran. These provided some guidance for implementing R code in
the BB package.),
EG Birgin [ctb] (with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in fortran.
These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB
W LaCruz [ctb] (with co-authors, wrote original algorithms in fortran.
These provided some guidance for implementing R code in the BB
Maintainer: Paul Gilbert <>
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-11-07 09:59:36

● Data Source: CranContrib
● Cran Task View: NumericalMathematics, Optimization
● 0 images, 8 functions, 0 datasets
Reverse Depends: 9