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gdsfmt : R Interface to CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) Files

Package: gdsfmt
Type: Package
Title: R Interface to CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) Files
Version: 1.8.3
Date: 2016-06-12
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0)
Imports: methods
Suggests: parallel, digest, crayon, RUnit, knitr, BiocGenerics
Author: Xiuwen Zheng [aut, cre], Stephanie Gogarten [ctb], Jean-loup
Gailly and Mark Adler [ctb] (for the included zlib sources),
Yann Collet [ctb] (for the included LZ4 sources),
xz contributors (for the included liblzma sources)
Maintainer: Xiuwen Zheng <>
Description: This package provides a high-level R interface to
CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) data files, which are
portable across platforms with hierarchical structure to
store multiple scalable array-oriented data sets with metadata
information. It is suited for large-scale datasets, especially
for data which are much larger than the available random-access
memory. The gdsfmt package offers the efficient operations
specifically designed for integers of less than 8 bits, since
a single genetic/genomic variant, like single-nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP), usually occupies fewer bits than a byte.
Data compression and decompression are available with relatively
efficient random access. It is also allowed to read a GDS
file in parallel with multiple R processes supported by the
package parallel.
License: LGPL-3
Copyright: This package includes the sources of CoreArray C++ library
written by Xiuwen Zheng (LGPL-3), zlib written by Jean-loup
Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib license), LZ4 written by Yann
Collet (simplified BSD), and liblzma written by Lasse Collin
and other xz contributors (public domain).
VignetteBuilder: knitr
ByteCompile: TRUE
biocViews: Software, Infrastructure, DataImport
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-06-14 05:01:07 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: DataImport, Infrastructure, Software
● 0 images, 45 functions, 0 datasets
Reverse Depends: 2