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nem : (Dynamic) Nested Effects Models and Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks to reconstruct phenotypic hierarchies

Package: nem
Title: (Dynamic) Nested Effects Models and Deterministic Effects
Propagation Networks to reconstruct phenotypic hierarchies
Version: 2.46.0
Author: Holger Froehlich, Florian Markowetz, Achim Tresch, Theresa Niederberger, Christian Bender, Matthias Maneck, Claudio Lottaz, Tim Beissbarth
Description: The package 'nem' allows to reconstruct features of pathways from the nested structure of perturbation effects. It takes as input (1.) a set of pathway components, which were perturbed, and (2.) phenotypic readout of these perturbations (e.g. gene expression, protein expression). The output is a directed graph representing the phenotypic hierarchy.
Reference: Froehlich H, Beissbarth T, Tresch A, Kostka D, Jacob J,
Spang R, Markowetz F: Analyzing gene perturbation screens with
nested effects models in R and bioconductor, Bioinformatics,
2008, 24:2549-50.
Maintainer: Holger Froehlich <>
Depends: R (>= 3.0)
Enhances: doMC, snow, parallel
Imports: boot, e1071, graph, graphics, grDevices, methods, RBGL (>=
1.8.1), RColorBrewer, stats, utils, Rgraphviz, statmod,
plotrix, limma
Suggests: Biobase (>= 1.10)
LazyLoad: Yes
biocViews: Microarray, Bioinformatics, GraphsAndNetworks, Pathways,
SystemsBiology, NetworkInference
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-05-04 02:53:47 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Bioinformatics, GraphsAndNetworks, Microarray, NetworkInference, Pathways, SystemsBiology
10 images, 30 functions, 4 datasets
Reverse Depends: 1