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oligoClasses : Classes for high-throughput arrays supported by oligo and crlmm

Package: oligoClasses
Version: 1.34.0
Title: Classes for high-throughput arrays supported by oligo and crlmm
Author: Benilton Carvalho and Robert Scharpf
Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho <> and Robert Scharpf <>
Depends: R (>= 2.14)
Imports: BiocGenerics (>= 0.3.2), Biobase (>= 2.17.8), methods,
graphics, IRanges (>= 2.5.17), GenomicRanges (>= 1.23.7),
SummarizedExperiment, Biostrings (>= 2.23.6), affyio (>=
1.23.2), ff, foreach, BiocInstaller, utils, S4Vectors (>=
0.9.25), RSQLite
Enhances: doMC, doMPI, doSNOW, doParallel, doRedis
Suggests: hapmapsnp5, hapmapsnp6, pd.genomewidesnp.6,
pd.genomewidesnp.5, pd.mapping50k.hind240,
pd.mapping50k.xba240, pd.mapping250k.sty, pd.mapping250k.nsp,
genomewidesnp6Crlmm (>= 1.0.7), genomewidesnp5Crlmm (>= 1.0.6),
RUnit, human370v1cCrlmm, SNPchip, VanillaICE, crlmm
Description: This package contains class definitions, validity checks, and initialization methods for classes used by the oligo and crlmm packages.
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Collate: AllClasses.R AllGenerics.R utils-general.R utils-lds.R
utils-parallel.R methods-gSet.R initialize-methods.R
methods-AlleleSet.R methods-AnnotatedDataFrame.R
methods-FeatureSet.R methods-AssayData.R
methods-SnpFeatureSet.R methods-oligoSnpSet.R
methods-CopyNumberSet.R methods-CNSet.R methods-PDInfo.R
methods-RangedDataCNV.R methods-SnpSet.R
methods-GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame.R methods-BeadStudioSet.R
methods-BeadStudioSetList.R methods-gSetList.R
methods-GRanges.R methods-SummarizedExperiment.R show-methods.R
functions.R zzz.R
biocViews: Infrastructure
## Local Variables:
## time-stamp-pattern: "8/Date: %3a %3b %2d %02H:%02M:%02S %Z %:y\n"
## End:
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-05-04 03:02:22 UTC; biocbuild

● Data Source: BioConductor
● BiocViews: Infrastructure## Local Variables:## time-stamp-pattern: "8/Date: %3a %3b %2d %02H:%02M:%02S %Z %:y "## End:
● 0 images, 73 functions, 6 datasets
Reverse Depends: 169