Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Find beta parameters to approximate distribution of p-values.
find.abR Documentation

Find beta parameters to approximate distribution of p-values.


Find parameters of a beta distribution to approximate distribution of a p-value derived from a normal test statistic with one-sided significance level=ALPHA and power=1-BETA.


find.ab(n = 1e+05, ALPHA = 0.05, BETA = 0.2, higha = 100)



the number of divisions for the numeric integration used to estimate the mean of p-value distribution, H (see details).


one-sided significance level of normal test statistic


type II error for normal test stastic


an upper bound on the beta parameter (see details).


The cumulative distribution function of the p-value from a normally distributed test statistic with one-sided significance level=ALPHA and power=1-BETA is H(p) = 1-pnorm( qnorm(1-p) - qnorm(1-ALPHA)+qnorm(BETA) ). We approximate this distribution with a beta distribution, B, which has the same mean as H and has B(ALPHA)=1-BETA. If two beta distributions meet both those criteria, we select the one closest to H in terms of integrated square error of the cumulative distribution function. That error is estimated by the sample variance of the differences in the two CDFs evaluated at (0:n)/n. Note that the two beta distributions come from the two roots of the following function: 1-BETA - B(ALPHA) We search for those two roots as the beta parameter within the range (1/higha, higha).


A list with two elements:


numeric value of one of the shape parameters of the beta distribution


numeric value of the other shape parameter of the beta distribution


M.P. Fay


Fay, M.P., and Follmann, D.A. (2002). "Designing Monte Carlo implementations of permutation or bootstrap hypothesis tests" American Statistician, 56: 63-70.


## See first line of Table 1, Fay and Follmann, 2002 


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> library(MChtest)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MChtest/find.ab.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: find.ab
> ### Title: Find beta parameters to approximate distribution of p-values.
> ### Aliases: find.ab
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> ## See first line of Table 1, Fay and Follmann, 2002 
> find.ab(ALPHA=.05,BETA=.1)
[1] 0.07705389

[1] 3.923651

null device 