Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Hearing Loss Data
hearingR Documentation

Hearing Loss Data


A study was carried in the Eastman Kodak Company which involved the measurement of hearing loss. Such studies are called as audiometric study. This data set contains 100 males, each aged 39, who had no indication of noise exposure or hearing disorders. Here, the individual is exposed to a signal of a given frequency with an increasing intensity till the signal is perceived.




A data frame with 100 observations on the following 9 variables.


Serial Number


Observation for 500Hz in the left ear


Observation for 1000Hz in the left ear


Observation for 2000Hz in the left ear


Observation for 4000Hz in the left ear


Observation for 500Hz in the right ear


Observation for 1000Hz in the right ear


Observation for 2000Hz in the right ear


Observation for 4000Hz in the right ear


Jackson, J.E. (1991). A User's Guide to Principal Components. New York: Wiley.


hearing.pc <- princomp(hearing[,-1])
screeplot(hearing.pc,main="B: Scree Plot for Hearing Loss Data")


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> library(ACSWR)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ACSWR/hearing.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: hearing
> ### Title: Hearing Loss Data
> ### Aliases: hearing
> ### Keywords: principal component analysis
> ### ** Examples
> data(hearing)
> round(cor(hearing[,-1]),2)
      L500 L1000 L2000 L4000 R500 R1000 R2000 R4000
L500  1.00  0.78  0.40  0.26 0.70  0.64  0.24  0.20
L1000 0.78  1.00  0.54  0.27 0.55  0.71  0.36  0.22
L2000 0.40  0.54  1.00  0.43 0.24  0.45  0.70  0.33
L4000 0.26  0.27  0.43  1.00 0.18  0.26  0.32  0.71
R500  0.70  0.55  0.24  0.18 1.00  0.66  0.16  0.13
R1000 0.64  0.71  0.45  0.26 0.66  1.00  0.41  0.22
R2000 0.24  0.36  0.70  0.32 0.16  0.41  1.00  0.37
R4000 0.20  0.22  0.33  0.71 0.13  0.22  0.37  1.00
> round(cov(hearing[,-1]),2)
       L500 L1000  L2000  L4000  R500 R1000 R2000  R4000
L500  41.07 37.73  28.13  32.10 31.79 26.30 14.12  25.28
L1000 37.73 57.32  44.44  40.83 29.75 34.24 25.30  31.74
L2000 28.13 44.44 119.70  91.21 18.64 31.21 71.26  68.99
L4000 32.10 40.83  91.21 384.78 25.01 33.03 57.67 269.12
R500  31.79 29.75  18.64  25.01 50.75 30.23 10.52  18.19
R1000 26.30 34.24  31.21  33.03 30.23 40.92 24.62  27.22
R2000 14.12 25.30  71.26  57.67 10.52 24.62 86.30  67.26
R4000 25.28 31.74  68.99 269.12 18.19 27.22 67.26 373.66
> hearing.pc <- princomp(hearing[,-1])
> screeplot(hearing.pc,main="B: Scree Plot for Hearing Loss Data")
null device 