Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Moment estimator for prevalence and incidence, with bootstrap...
PIR_MOMR Documentation

Moment estimator for prevalence and incidence, with bootstrap confidence intervals


Estimates prevalance and incidence for two samples, along with the ratios of each parameter, assuming that the behavior follows an '. Also provides boostrap confidence intervals.


PIR_MOM(PIR, phase, base_level, intervals, interval_length, rest_length = 0,
  Bootstraps = 2000, conf_level = 0.95, exponentiate = FALSE,
  seed = NULL)



vector of PIR measurements


factor or vector indicating levels of the PIR measurements.


a character string or value indicating the name of the baseline level.


the number of intervals in the sample of observations


the total length of each interval


length of the portion of the interval devoted to recording. Default is 0


desired number of bootstrap replicates. Default is 2000


Desired coverage rate of the calculated confidence interval. Default is .95.


a logical indicating whether the row corresponding to the ratio of treatment to baseline should be exponentiated, with the default as FALSE.


seed value set in order to make bootstrap results reproducible. Default is null


The moment estimators are based on the assumption that the underlying behavior stream follows an Alternating Poisson Process, in which both the event durations and interim times are exponentially distributed.


A dataframe with six columns and three rows corresponding to baseline, treatment, and the log ratio or ratio (depending upon the value of exponentiate) of treatment to baseline


Daniel Swan <>


# Estimate prevalence and incidence ratios for Carl from the Moes dataset
with(subset(Moes, Case == "Carl"),
PIR_MOM(PIR = outcome, phase = Phase, intervals = intervals,
interval_length = (active_length + rest_length), rest_length = rest_length,
base_level = "No Choice", seed = 149568373))


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> library(ARPobservation)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ARPobservation/PIR_MOM.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: PIR_MOM
> ### Title: Moment estimator for prevalence and incidence, with bootstrap
> ###   confidence intervals
> ### Aliases: PIR_MOM
> ### ** Examples
> # Estimate prevalence and incidence ratios for Carl from the Moes dataset
> data(Moes)
> with(subset(Moes, Case == "Carl"),
+ PIR_MOM(PIR = outcome, phase = Phase, intervals = intervals,
+ interval_length = (active_length + rest_length), rest_length = rest_length,
+ base_level = "No Choice", seed = 149568373))
                             phi  phi_lower_CI phi_upper_CI          zeta
No Choice             0.01989908  0.0170937254   0.08279824  0.0123857478
Choice                0.03855950  0.0006846493   0.12589398  0.0001441582
log(Choice/No Choice) 0.66152880 -4.4288275175   1.73056722 -4.4533901025
                      zeta_lower_CI zeta_upper_CI
No Choice              5.504780e-03  0.0145001301
Choice                 5.655107e-05  0.0005555887
log(Choice/No Choice) -5.456705e+00 -2.8237196726
null device 