Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generates random samples of continuously recorded behavior...
r_continuous_recordingR Documentation

Generates random samples of continuously recorded behavior streams


Random generation of behavior streams (based on an alternating renewal process) of a specified length and with specified mean event durations, mean interim times, event distribution, and interim distribution, summarized as the total proportion of time the behavior of interest occurred.


r_continuous_recording(n, mu, lambda, stream_length, F_event, F_interim,
  equilibrium = TRUE, p0 = 0, tuning = 2)



number of behavior streams to generate


mean event duration


mean interim time


length of behavior stream


distribution of event durations. Must be of class eq_dist.


distribution of interim times. Must be of class eq_dist.


logical; if TRUE, then equilibrium initial conditions are used; if FALSE, then p0 is used to determine initial state and normal generating distributions are used for event durations and interim times.


Initial state probability. Only used if equilibrium = FALSE, in which case default is zero (i.e., behavior stream always starts with an interim time).


controls the size of the chunk of random event durations and interim times. Adjusting this may be useful in order to speed computation time .


Generates behavior streams by repeatedly drawing random event durations and random interim times from the distributions as specified, until the sum of the durations and interim times exceeds the requested stream length. Then applies a continuous recording filter to the generated behavior streams.


A vector of proportions of length n.


Daniel Swan <>


r_continuous_recording(n = 5, mu = 2, lambda = 4, stream_length = 20,
                       F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp())


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> library(ARPobservation)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ARPobservation/r_continuous_recording.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: r_continuous_recording
> ### Title: Generates random samples of continuously recorded behavior
> ###   streams
> ### Aliases: r_continuous_recording
> ### ** Examples
> r_continuous_recording(n = 5, mu = 2, lambda = 4, stream_length = 20,
+                        F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp())
[1] 0.3000761 0.3232264 0.3550995 0.3338796 0.3917448
null device 