Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Pathway and Gene-Level Association Test
ARTP2-packageR Documentation

Pathway and Gene-Level Association Test


Pathway and gene level association test using raw data or summary statistics.


Package: ARTP2
Type: Package
Version: 0.9.22
Date: 2016-02-11
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3

It is increasingly recognized that pathway analyses, a joint test of association between the outcome and a group of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within a biological pathway, could potentially complement single-SNP analysis and provide additional insights for the genetic architecture of complex diseases. Building upon existing P-value combining methods, we propose a class of highly flexible pathway analysis approaches based on an adaptive rank truncated product statistic that can effectively combine evidence of associations over different SNPs and genes within a pathway. The statistical significance of the pathway-level test statistics is evaluated using a highly efficient permutation algorithm that remains computationally feasible irrespective of the size of the pathway and complexity of the underlying test statistics for summarizing SNP- and gene-level associations.

The main functions in this package are sARTP when only summary level data are available, rARTP when genotype data are available, and warm.start for computing gene and pathway p-values when previously save information is available.


Han Zhang, Bill Wheeler, Kai Yu, Yifan Yang

Maintainer: Han Zhang <>


Zhang H, Wheeler W, Hyland LP, Yang Y, Shi J, Chatterjee N, Yu K. A powerful procedure for pathway-based meta-analysis using summary statistics identifies multiple pathways associated with type II diabetes.

Yu K, Li Q, Bergen AW, Pfeiffer RM, Rosenberg PS, Caporaso N, Kraft P, Chatterjee N. (2009) Pathway analysis by adaptive combination of P-values. Genet Epidemiol 33(8): 700 - 709

Zhang H, Shi J, Liang F, Wheeler W, Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Yu K. (2014) A fast multilocus test with adaptive SNP selection for large-scale genetic association studies. European Journal of Human Genetics, 22, 696 - 702
