Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Match IDs from Clinical and Actigraph Data
fda.matchidR Documentation

Match IDs from Clinical and Actigraph Data


A function used to match actigraphy data and clinical covariates by subject IDs and return a list of the data combined by IDs. Only the subjects with both actigraphy and covariate data will be returned by this function.


fda.matchid(mat, acov, type, grouplab)



A data frame with the rows being the time and the columns being the activity, with the column names being the subjects.


A two column data frame that contains only subject IDs and a covariate of interest, respectively.


A string specifying either "contin" for continuous and "factor" for categorical covariates.


A vector of names of the categories if type is TRUE.


Note: Only the subjects with both actigraphy and covariate data will be returned by this function.


A list consisting of two components as follows:


A matrix where rows represent the time, columns are the samples, and the column names are the subjects.


A two column matrix that contains the actigraphy data and clinical covariates.


William D. Shannon, Tao Li, Hong Xian, Jia Wang, Elena Deych, Carlos Gonzalez


	colnames(act_29pt) <- sub("X", "", colnames(act_29pt)) 
	data <- as.matrix(act_29pt[,-1])
	### Example 1: Continuous Covariate
	matchida  <- fda.matchid(data, clinic_29pt_ahi, "contin")
	### Example 2: Categorical Covariate
	ahi <- clinic_29pt_ahi
	ahi$ahicat <- as.factor(ifelse(ahi$AHI >= 0 & ahi$AHI <= 5, 1, 
	       ifelse(ahi$AHI > 5 & ahi$AHI <= 15, 2,
	       ifelse(ahi$AHI > 15 & ahi$AHI <= 30, 3,
	       ifelse(ahi$AHI > 30, 4, 0)))))
	matchidb  <- fda.matchid(data, ahi[,-2], "factor", 
		c("normal", "mild", "moderate", "severe"))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Actigraphy)
Loading required package: fda
Loading required package: splines
Loading required package: Matrix

Attaching package: 'fda'

The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Actigraphy/fda.matchid.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: fda.matchid
> ### Title: Match IDs from Clinical and Actigraph Data
> ### Aliases: fda.matchid
> ### ** Examples
> 	data(act_29pt)
> 	data(clinic_29pt_ahi)
> 	colnames(act_29pt) <- sub("X", "", colnames(act_29pt)) 
> 	data <- as.matrix(act_29pt[,-1])
> 	### Example 1: Continuous Covariate
> 	matchida  <- fda.matchid(data, clinic_29pt_ahi, "contin")
> 	### Example 2: Categorical Covariate
> 	ahi <- clinic_29pt_ahi
> 	ahi$ahicat <- as.factor(ifelse(ahi$AHI >= 0 & ahi$AHI <= 5, 1, 
+ 	       ifelse(ahi$AHI > 5 & ahi$AHI <= 15, 2,
+ 	       ifelse(ahi$AHI > 15 & ahi$AHI <= 30, 3,
+ 	       ifelse(ahi$AHI > 30, 4, 0)))))
> 	matchidb  <- fda.matchid(data, ahi[,-2], "factor", 
+ 		c("normal", "mild", "moderate", "severe"))
null device 