Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Independence Chain Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm using an...
AdMitMHR Documentation

Independence Chain Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm using an Adaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions as the Candidate Density


Performs independence chain Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) sampling using an adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions as the candidate density


AdMitMH(N = 1e5, KERNEL, mit = list(), ...)



number of draws generated by the independence chain M-H algorithm (positive integer number). Default: N = 1e5.


kernel function of the target density on which the adaptive mixture is fitted. This function should be vectorized for speed purposes (i.e., its first argument should be a matrix and its output a vector). Moreover, the function must contain the logical argument log. If log = TRUE, the function returns (natural) logarithm values of kernel function. NA and NaN values are not allowed. (See the function AdMit for examples of KERNEL implementation.)


list containing information on the mixture approximation (see *Details*).


further arguments to be passed to KERNEL.


The argument mit is a list containing information on the adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions. The following components must be provided:


vector (of length H) of mixing probabilities.


matrix (of size Hxd) containing the vectors of modes (in row) of the mixture components.


matrix (of size Hxd*d) containing the scale matrices (in row) of the mixture components.


degrees of freedom parameter of the Student-t components (real number not smaller than one).

where H (>=1) is the number of components and d (>=1) is the dimension of the first argument in KERNEL. Typically, mit is estimated by the function AdMit.


A list with the following components:

draws: matrix (of size Nxd) of draws generated by the independence chain M-H algorithm, where N (>=1) is the number of draws and d (>=1) is the dimension of the first argument in KERNEL.

accept: acceptance rate of the independence chain M-H algorithm.


Further details and examples of the R package AdMit can be found in Ardia, Hoogerheide and van Dijk (2009a,b). See also the package vignette by typing vignette("AdMit") and the files ‘AdMitJSS.txt’ and ‘AdMitRnews.txt’ in the ‘/doc’ package's folder.

Further information on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can be found in Chib and Greenberg (1995) and Koop (2003).

Please cite the package in publications. Use citation("AdMit").


David Ardia


Ardia, D., Hoogerheide, L.F., van Dijk, H.K. (2009a). AdMit: Adaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions. The R Journal 1(1), pp.25–30.

Ardia, D., Hoogerheide, L.F., van Dijk, H.K. (2009b). Adaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions as a Flexible Candidate Distribution for Efficient Simulation: The R Package AdMit. Journal of Statistical Software 29(3), pp.1–32.

Chib, S., Greenberg, E. (1995). Understanding the Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm. The American Statistician 49(4), pp.327–335.

Koop, G. (2003). Bayesian Econometrics. Wiley-Interscience (London, UK). ISBN: 0470845678.

See Also

AdMitIS for importance sampling using an adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions as the importance density, AdMit for fitting an adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions to a target density through its KERNEL function; the package coda for MCMC output analysis.


  ## NB : Low number of draws for speedup. Consider using more draws!
  ## Gelman and Meng (1991) kernel function
  GelmanMeng <- function(x, A = 1, B = 0, C1 = 3, C2 = 3, log = TRUE)
    if (is.vector(x))
      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
      r <- -.5 * (A * x[,1]^2 * x[,2]^2 + x[,1]^2 + x[,2]^2
                - 2 * B * x[,1] * x[,2] - 2 * C1 * x[,1] - 2 * C2 * x[,2])
      if (!log)
        r <- exp(r)

  ## Run the AdMit function to fit the mixture approximation
  outAdMit <- AdMit(KERNEL = GelmanMeng, 
                    mu0 = c(0.0, 0.1), control = list(Ns = 1e4))

  ## Run M-H using the mixture approximation as the candidate density
  outAdMitMH <- AdMitMH(N = 1e4, KERNEL = GelmanMeng, mit = outAdMit$mit)
  options(digits = 4, max.print = 40)

  ## Use functions provided by the package coda to obtain
  ## quantities of interest for the density whose kernel is 'GelmanMeng'
  draws <- as.mcmc(outAdMitMH$draws)
  draws <- window(draws, start = 1001)
  colnames(draws) <- c("X1", "X2")
  summary(draws)$stat[,3]^2 / summary(draws)$stat[,4]^2 ## RNE


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> library(AdMit)
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/AdMit/AdMitMH.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: AdMitMH
> ### Title: Independence Chain Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm using an
> ###   Adaptive Mixture of Student-t Distributions as the Candidate Density
> ### Aliases: AdMitMH
> ### Keywords: htest
> ### ** Examples
>   ## NB : Low number of draws for speedup. Consider using more draws!
>   ## Gelman and Meng (1991) kernel function
>   GelmanMeng <- function(x, A = 1, B = 0, C1 = 3, C2 = 3, log = TRUE)
+   {
+     if (is.vector(x))
+       x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
+       r <- -.5 * (A * x[,1]^2 * x[,2]^2 + x[,1]^2 + x[,2]^2
+                 - 2 * B * x[,1] * x[,2] - 2 * C1 * x[,1] - 2 * C2 * x[,2])
+       if (!log)
+         r <- exp(r)
+       as.vector(r)
+     }
>   ## Run the AdMit function to fit the mixture approximation
>   set.seed(1234)
>   outAdMit <- AdMit(KERNEL = GelmanMeng, 
+                     mu0 = c(0.0, 0.1), control = list(Ns = 1e4))
>   ## Run M-H using the mixture approximation as the candidate density
>   outAdMitMH <- AdMitMH(N = 1e4, KERNEL = GelmanMeng, mit = outAdMit$mit)
>   options(digits = 4, max.print = 40)
>   print(outAdMitMH)
              k1         k2
1      1.584e+00 -3.8213044
2      1.584e+00 -3.8213044
3      2.148e+00  0.3020074
4      2.148e+00  0.3020074
5      2.148e+00  0.3020074
6      2.148e+00  0.3020074
7      2.451e+00  0.2128177
8      2.451e+00  0.2128177
9      2.451e+00  0.2128177
10     2.451e+00  0.2128177
11     7.927e-01  1.4841330
12     7.927e-01  1.4841330
13     9.880e-01  0.6008210
14     9.880e-01  0.6008210
15     9.292e-01  0.5884448
16     9.292e-01  0.5884448
17     7.471e-01  1.1384726
18     2.444e+00  0.2993253
19     3.022e+00  0.0115478
20     3.022e+00  0.0115478
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 9980 rows ]

[1] 0.5328

>   ## Use functions provided by the package coda to obtain
>   ## quantities of interest for the density whose kernel is 'GelmanMeng'
>   library("coda")
>   draws <- as.mcmc(outAdMitMH$draws)
>   draws <- window(draws, start = 1001)
>   colnames(draws) <- c("X1", "X2")
>   summary(draws)

Iterations = 1001:10000
Thinning interval = 1 
Number of chains = 1 
Sample size per chain = 9000 

1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
   plus standard error of the mean:

   Mean   SD Naive SE Time-series SE
X1 1.46 1.24   0.0131         0.0219
X2 1.47 1.25   0.0132         0.0217

2. Quantiles for each variable:

     2.5%   25%  50%  75% 97.5%
X1 -0.189 0.425 1.19 2.36  4.17
X2 -0.185 0.422 1.15 2.36  4.22

>   summary(draws)$stat[,3]^2 / summary(draws)$stat[,4]^2 ## RNE
    X1     X2 
0.3568 0.3673 
>   plot(draws)
null device 