Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Summarize a Unified Agreement Object
summary.unified_agreementR Documentation

Summarize a Unified Agreement Object


This function is a method for summary for a unified agreement object class unified_agreement, which can be get from function unified.agreement.


## S3 method for class 'unified_agreement'
summary(object, ...)



The name of an object of class unified_agreement.


Arguments passed to the print method.


Yue Yu <>

See Also



ua <- unified.agreement(dataset=DCLHb, var=c("HEMOCUE1","HEMOCUE2","SIGMA1","SIGMA2"), k=2, m=2, CCC_a_intra=0.9943, CCC_a_inter=0.9775, CCC_a_total=0.9775, CP_a=0.9, tran=1, TDI_a_intra=75, TDI_a_inter=150, TDI_a_total=150, error="const", dec=1, alpha=0.05);


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> library(Agreement)
Loading required package: R2HTML
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Agreement/summary.unified_agreement.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: summary.unified_agreement
> ### Title: Summarize a Unified Agreement Object
> ### Aliases: summary.unified_agreement
> ### ** Examples
> data(DCLHb);
> ua <- unified.agreement(dataset=DCLHb, var=c("HEMOCUE1","HEMOCUE2","SIGMA1","SIGMA2"), k=2, m=2, CCC_a_intra=0.9943, CCC_a_inter=0.9775, CCC_a_total=0.9775, CP_a=0.9, tran=1, TDI_a_intra=75, TDI_a_inter=150, TDI_a_total=150, error="const", dec=1, alpha=0.05);
> summary(ua);
 Type  Statistics      CCC    Precision Accuracy TDI   CP     RBS   
 Intra Estimate        0.9986 0.9986    .        41.1  0.9973 .     
       95% Conf. Limit 0.9983 0.9983    .        46.2  0.9949 .     
       Allowance       0.9943 0.9943    .        75    0.9    .     
 Inter Estimate        0.9866 0.9866    1        127.3 0.9474 .     
       95% Conf. Limit 0.9825 0.9825    0.9987   145.9 0.9228 .     
       Allowance       0.9775 .         .        150   0.9    .     
 Total Estimate        0.9859 0.986     1        130.5 0.9412 0.0028
       95% Conf. Limit 0.9818 0.9818    0.9987   148.9 0.916  .     
       Allowance       0.9775 .         .        150   0.9    .     
null device 