Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Descriptives
DescriptivesR Documentation



This function calculate to return answer which are descriptive statistics values for a continuously variable or continuously variables in data frame.


Descriptives(x, plot = FALSE, r = 2, answer = 1, statistic = "ALL")



A continuously variable or a data frame contain continuously variables.


Parameter 'Plot' are used by 2 form:

Let plot=TRUE to paint description graph when x is time series.

Let plot=list(a1,a2,...) (in a1,a2,...are descriptive statistic values as 'Mean', 'Max',...) to paint comparing graph between variables.


Rounds the answer to the specified number of decimal places (default 2).


Form of answers are returned. Let answer=1 or answer=2 (default 1)


A list contain descriptive statistic values that user want R print screen (default ALL).


Statistic descriptive values are calculated by theory of base statistic.



Length sample


Number NA values


Min value

1sq QU

Value in 25% of interval probabilities


Median value


Mean value

3rd QU

Value in 75% of interval probabilities


Max value


Variance value


Standard Deviation


Standard Deviation of the Estimated Means


You must not withdraw discrete variables from data frame. When you let a data frame in to this function which will auto withdraw discrete variables and calculate descriptive statistic to continuously variables.


Mai Thi Hong Diem <>

Hong Viet Minh <>


Theory of base statistic.

See Also

Frequencies, Dgroup


#Load data

#Calculate descriptive statistic to a continuously variable

#Calculate descriptive statistic to continuously variables

#To just see some descriptive statistic variables

#Combined paint graph to compare

#Descriptives for time series


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(AnalyzeTS)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: TSA
Loading required package: leaps
Loading required package: locfit
locfit 1.5-9.1 	 2013-03-22
Loading required package: mgcv
Loading required package: nlme
This is mgcv 1.8-12. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
Loading required package: tseries

Attaching package: 'TSA'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    acf, arima

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


Loading required package: TTR
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/AnalyzeTS/Descriptives.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Descriptives
> ### Title: Descriptives
> ### Aliases: Descriptives
> ### Keywords: Descriptives
> ### ** Examples
> #Load data
> library(MASS)
> data(crabs)
> #Calculate descriptive statistic to a continuously variable
> Descriptives(crabs$FL)
N:      200.00
NaN:      0.00
Min:      7.20
1sq QU:  12.90
Median:  15.55
Mean:    15.58
3rd QU:  18.05
Max:     23.10
VAR:     12.22
SD:       3.50
SE:       0.25
> #Calculate descriptive statistic to continuously variables
> Descriptives(crabs)
         index     FL     RW     CL     CW     BD
N:      200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
NaN:      0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
Min:      1.00   7.20   6.50  14.70  17.10   6.10
1sq QU:  13.00  12.90  11.00  27.28  31.50  11.40
Median:  25.50  15.55  12.80  32.10  36.80  13.90
Mean:    25.50  15.58  12.74  32.11  36.41  14.03
3rd QU:  38.00  18.05  14.30  37.23  42.00  16.60
Max:     50.00  23.10  20.20  47.60  54.60  21.60
VAR:    209.30  12.22   6.62  50.68  61.97  11.73
SD:      14.47   3.50   2.57   7.12   7.87   3.42
SE:       1.02   0.25   0.18   0.50   0.56   0.24
> Descriptives(crabs,answer=2)
       N: NaN: Min: 1sq QU: Median: Mean: 3rd QU: Max:   VAR:   SD:  SE:
index 200    0  1.0   13.00   25.50 25.50   38.00 50.0 209.30 14.47 1.02
FL    200    0  7.2   12.90   15.55 15.58   18.05 23.1  12.22  3.50 0.25
RW    200    0  6.5   11.00   12.80 12.74   14.30 20.2   6.62  2.57 0.18
CL    200    0 14.7   27.28   32.10 32.11   37.23 47.6  50.68  7.12 0.50
CW    200    0 17.1   31.50   36.80 36.41   42.00 54.6  61.97  7.87 0.56
BD    200    0  6.1   11.40   13.90 14.03   16.60 21.6  11.73  3.42 0.24
> Descriptives(crabs,answer=2,r=6)
       N: NaN: Min: 1sq QU: Median:   Mean: 3rd QU: Max:       VAR:       SD:
index 200    0  1.0  13.000   25.50 25.5000  38.000 50.0 209.296482 14.467083
FL    200    0  7.2  12.900   15.55 15.5830  18.050 23.1  12.217297  3.495325
RW    200    0  6.5  11.000   12.80 12.7385  14.300 20.2   6.622078  2.573340
CL    200    0 14.7  27.275   32.10 32.1055  37.225 47.6  50.679919  7.118983
CW    200    0 17.1  31.500   36.80 36.4145  42.000 54.6  61.967678  7.871955
BD    200    0  6.1  11.400   13.90 14.0305  16.600 21.6  11.729065  3.424772
index 1.022977
FL    0.247157
RW    0.181963
CL    0.503388
CW    0.556631
BD    0.242168
> #To just see some descriptive statistic variables
> Descriptives(crabs,statistic=list("Min","Mean","Median","Max"))
        index    FL    RW    CL    CW    BD
Min:      1.0  7.20  6.50 14.70 17.10  6.10
Median:  25.5 15.55 12.80 32.10 36.80 13.90
Mean:    25.5 15.58 12.74 32.11 36.41 14.03
Max:     50.0 23.10 20.20 47.60 54.60 21.60
> #Combined paint graph to compare
> Descriptives(crabs,plot=list("Mean","SD"))
         index     FL     RW     CL     CW     BD
N:      200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
NaN:      0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
Min:      1.00   7.20   6.50  14.70  17.10   6.10
1sq QU:  13.00  12.90  11.00  27.28  31.50  11.40
Median:  25.50  15.55  12.80  32.10  36.80  13.90
Mean:    25.50  15.58  12.74  32.11  36.41  14.03
3rd QU:  38.00  18.05  14.30  37.23  42.00  16.60
Max:     50.00  23.10  20.20  47.60  54.60  21.60
VAR:    209.30  12.22   6.62  50.68  61.97  11.73
SD:      14.47   3.50   2.57   7.12   7.87   3.42
SE:       1.02   0.25   0.18   0.50   0.56   0.24
> #Descriptives for time series
> Descriptives(lh,plot=TRUE)
N:      48.00
NaN:     0.00
Min:     1.40
1sq QU:  2.00
Median:  2.30
Mean:    2.40
3rd QU:  2.75
Max:     3.50
VAR:     0.30
SD:      0.55
SE:      0.08
null device 