Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Computation of the hipamAnthropom elements for a given number...
computSizesHipamAnthropomR Documentation

Computation of the hipamAnthropom elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN


This is a helper function for computing the hipamAnthropom elements provided by the hipamAnthropom algorithm for a number of bust sizes defined by the European Normative (EN). Therefore, the hipamAnthropom is used inside this function.


computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHip, bust, bustMeasur, nsizes, maxsplit, orness, 
                          type, ah, verbose = FALSE)



Data frame.


Bust column of the data frame.


Sequence vector of bust measurements (bust sizes) provided by the bustSizesStandard function.


Number of sizes defined by the European Normative to apply the hipamAnthropom function.

maxsplit, orness, type, ah, verbose

Same arguments as those of the hipamAnthropom function.


A list with the same elements as the hipamAnthropom function.


Guillermo Vinue


European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).

Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2013). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.

See Also

hipamAnthropom, bustSizesStandard


dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey
bust <- dataHipam$bust
bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6))

type <- "IMO"
maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7
ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25)

numSizes <- 1
res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes,
                                       maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE)


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> library(Anthropometry)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Anthropometry/computSizesHipamAnthropom.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: computSizesHipamAnthropom
> ### Title: Computation of the hipamAnthropom elements for a given number of
> ###   sizes defined by the EN
> ### Aliases: computSizesHipamAnthropom
> ### Keywords: math
> ### ** Examples
> dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey
> bust <- dataHipam$bust
> bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6))
> type <- "IMO"
> maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7
> ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25)
> set.seed(2013)
> numSizes <- 1
> res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes,
+                                        maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE)
null device 