Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Helper function for plotting the shapes
projShapesR Documentation

Helper function for plotting the shapes


Helper function for plotting the projections of the shapes. It displays the projection on the xy plane of the recorded points and mean shape for a given cluster. To that end, first it is needed to carry out a generalized Procrustes analysis in the cluster to obtain the full Procrustes rotated data.





Cluster for which represent its mean shape together with the recorded points.


Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample points. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a dimension (x,y,z).


Clustering optimal results.


Vector of optimal prototypes.


Numerical vector with the percentile values of an archetypoid.


Guillermo Vinue


Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2014). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 1–30.

See Also

LloydShapes, HartiganShapes, trimmedLloydShapes


landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv)
#[1] 574 198 
numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3
#[1] 66
#As a toy example, only the first 15 individuals are used.
landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] 
(numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1])
#[1] 10         
array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10)
#calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) 

numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001
resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE)
clust_kmeansProc <- resLL$asig

prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL)

projShapes(1, array3D, clust_kmeansProc, prototypes)
#legend("topleft", c("Registrated data", "Mean shape"), pch = 1, col = 1:2, text.col = 1:2)
#title("Procrustes registrated data for cluster 1 \n with its mean shape superimposed", 
#      sub = "Plane xy")


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> library(Anthropometry)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Anthropometry/projShapes.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: projShapes
> ### Title: Helper function for plotting the shapes
> ### Aliases: projShapes
> ### Keywords: math
> ### ** Examples
> landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv)
> dim(landmarksNoNa) 
[1] 574 198
> #[1] 574 198 
> numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3
> #[1] 66
> #As a toy example, only the first 15 individuals are used.
> landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] 
> (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1])
[1] 10
> #[1] 10         
> array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10)
> #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) 
> #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) 
> numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001
> resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE)
> clust_kmeansProc <- resLL$asig
> prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL)
> projShapes(1, array3D, clust_kmeansProc, prototypes)
> #legend("topleft", c("Registrated data", "Mean shape"), pch = 1, col = 1:2, text.col = 1:2)
> #title("Procrustes registrated data for cluster 1 \n with its mean shape superimposed", 
> #      sub = "Plane xy")
null device 