Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: A GTK GUI for a set of sampling and bayesian inference tools
AtelieR-packageR Documentation

A GTK GUI for a set of sampling and bayesian inference tools


AtelieR is a GTK interface for a bunch of statistical workshops. Suited for teaching purposes. It currently contains the following modules:
- construction of the normal distribution (Central Limit Theorem) - effect of a change of variable on the shape of gaussian distributions, - distribution of a sample mean, - effect of df correction on the expectation of the sample variance distribution - distribution of a sample variance - a probability calculator from various distributions, - bayesian test on a proportion, credibility interval, and posterior probability of an hypothesis, - bayesian test on a mean, credibility interval, and posterior probability of an hypothesis, - bayesian test on a variance, credibility interval, and posterior probability of an hypothesis, - bayesian test for comparing several proportions, - bayesian test for the analysis of contingency tables, - bayesian test for comparing several means.


Package: AtelieR
Type: Package
Version: 0.22
Date: 2011-11-10
License: GPL 2.0

Just type AtelieR() at the prompt to launch the GUI.


Maintainer: Yvonnick Noel <>
