Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: The Gamma-Gamma Distribution
GammaGammaR Documentation

The Gamma-Gamma Distribution


Density and random generation for the Gamma-Gamma distribution with parameters shape1, rate1, and shape2.


  dggamma(x, shape1, rate1, shape2)
  rggamma(n, shape1, rate1, shape2)



Vector. Quantiles.


Scalar. Number of random variates to generate (sample size).

shape1, rate1

Vector. Shape and rate parameters for y-distribution. Must be strictly positive.


Vector. Shape parameter for conditional x-distribution. Must be a positive integer.


A Gamma-Gamma distribution with parameters shape1 = a, rate1 = r and shape2 = b has density

f(x) = [(r^a)/(Gamma(a))][Gamma(a+b)/Gamma(b)] [x^(b-1)/(r+x)^(a+b)]

for x > 0 where a,r > 0 and b = 1,2,….

The distribution is generated using the following scheme:

  1. Generate Y ~ Gamma(shape=shape1,rate=rate1).

  2. Generate X ~ Gamma(shape=shape2,rate=Y).

Then, X follows a Gamma-Gamma distribution.


dggamma gives the density, and rggamma gives random variates.


Bernardo JM, Smith AFM. (1994) Bayesian Theory. Wiley, New York.

See Also



# Construct a plot of the density function with median and
# quantiles marked.

# define parameters
shape1 <- 4
rate1 <- 4
shape2 <- 20

# construct density plot
x <- seq(0.1,150,0.1)
     type="l",lwd=2,main="",xlab="x",ylab="Density f(x)")
# determine median and quantiles
X <- rggamma(5000,shape1,rate1,shape2)
quants <- quantile(X,prob=c(0.25,0.5,0.75))

# add quantities to plot

# Consider the following set-up:
#   Let x ~ N(theta,sigma2), sigma2 is unknown variance.
#   Consider a prior on theta and sigma2 defined by
#      theta|sigma2 ~ N(mu,(r*sigma)^2)
#      sigma2 ~ InverseGamma(a/2,b/2), (b/2) = rate.
#   We want to generate random variables from the marginal
#   (prior predictive) distribution of the sufficient
#   statistic T = (xbar,s2) where the sample size n = 25.

# define parameters
a <- 4
b <- 4
mu <- 1 
r <- 3
n <- 25

# generate random variables from Gamma-Gamma
shape1 <- a/2
rate1 <- b
shape2 <- 0.5*(n-1)

Y <- rggamma(5000,shape1,rate1,shape2)

# generate variables from a non-central t given Y
df <- n+a-1
scale <- (Y+b)*(1/n + r^2)/(n+a-1)

X <- rt(5000,df=df)*sqrt(scale) + mu

# the pair (X,Y) comes from the correct marginal density

# mean of xbar and s2, and xbar*s2


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> library(BAEssd)
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/BAEssd/GammaGamma.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: GammaGamma
> ### Title: The Gamma-Gamma Distribution
> ### Aliases: GammaGamma dggamma rggamma
> ### ** Examples
> ############################################################
> # Construct a plot of the density function with median and
> # quantiles marked.
> # define parameters
> shape1 <- 4
> rate1 <- 4
> shape2 <- 20
> # construct density plot
> x <- seq(0.1,150,0.1)
> plot(dggamma(x,shape1,rate1,shape2)~x,
+      type="l",lwd=2,main="",xlab="x",ylab="Density f(x)")
> # determine median and quantiles
> set.seed(123)
> X <- rggamma(5000,shape1,rate1,shape2)
> quants <- quantile(X,prob=c(0.25,0.5,0.75))
> # add quantities to plot
> abline(v=quants,lty=c(3,2,3),lwd=2)
> ############################################################
> # Consider the following set-up:
> #   Let x ~ N(theta,sigma2), sigma2 is unknown variance.
> #   Consider a prior on theta and sigma2 defined by
> #      theta|sigma2 ~ N(mu,(r*sigma)^2)
> #      sigma2 ~ InverseGamma(a/2,b/2), (b/2) = rate.
> #
> #   We want to generate random variables from the marginal
> #   (prior predictive) distribution of the sufficient
> #   statistic T = (xbar,s2) where the sample size n = 25.
> # define parameters
> a <- 4
> b <- 4
> mu <- 1 
> r <- 3
> n <- 25
> # generate random variables from Gamma-Gamma
> set.seed(123)
> shape1 <- a/2
> rate1 <- b
> shape2 <- 0.5*(n-1)
> Y <- rggamma(5000,shape1,rate1,shape2)
> # generate variables from a non-central t given Y
> df <- n+a-1
> scale <- (Y+b)*(1/n + r^2)/(n+a-1)
> X <- rt(5000,df=df)*sqrt(scale) + mu
> # the pair (X,Y) comes from the correct marginal density
> # mean of xbar and s2, and xbar*s2
> mean(X)
[1] 0.9701382
> mean(Y)
[1] 51.11077
> mean(X*Y)
[1] 9.203261
null device 