Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plotting Average Errors
plot.BAEssdR Documentation

Plotting Average Errors


Create plots of various average errors as a function of the sample size calculated via the Bayesian Average Error based approach.


  ## S3 method for class 'BAEssd'
plot(x, y = "TE", alpha.line = TRUE, type = "l", 
    xlab = "Sample Size (n)", ylab = NULL, main = NULL, ...)



BAEssd object. Result from a Bayesian Average Error based sample size calculation.


Character string. Indicates what type of error should be plotted on the y-axis (default being Total Error). One of "TE","TWE","AE1", or "AE2".


Boolean. If TRUE, a horizontal line - indicating the bound on Total Error used in determining the sample size - is added to the plot.

type, xlab, ylab, main

Character string. See plot.default() for more details.


Additional parameters to be passed to plotting functions.


Each BAEssd object contains a history of the Average Errors for each sample size considered. plot.BAEssd allows for examination of the trend in errors as the sample size changes.

See Also

ssd, plot.default


# Construct a plot of the Total Error as a function of
# sample size for a one-sample normal experiment with known
# variance.

# load suite of functions
f1 <- norm1KV.2sided(sigma=5,theta0=0,prob=0.5,mu=2,tau=1)

# get TE for many more sample sizes larger than the optimal
ss1 <- ssd.norm1KV.2sided(alpha=0.25,w=0.5,minn=2,maxn=200,all=TRUE)

# create plot of Total Error

# create plot of Average Type-I Error


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> library(BAEssd)
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/BAEssd/plot.BAEssd.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.BAEssd
> ### Title: Plotting Average Errors
> ### Aliases: plot.BAEssd
> ### ** Examples
> ############################################################
> # Construct a plot of the Total Error as a function of
> # sample size for a one-sample normal experiment with known
> # variance.
> # load suite of functions
> f1 <- norm1KV.2sided(sigma=5,theta0=0,prob=0.5,mu=2,tau=1)

Loading the 'norm1KV.2sided' suite... 
  This suite contains functions pertaining to one-sample experiment 
  involving a normally distributed response with known variance. The 
  hypothesis of interest has a two-sided alternative.

> # get TE for many more sample sizes larger than the optimal
> attach(f1)
> ss1 <- ssd.norm1KV.2sided(alpha=0.25,w=0.5,minn=2,maxn=200,all=TRUE)
> ss1

Bayesian Average Error Sample Size Determination

Call: ssd.norm1KV.2sided(alpha = 0.25, w = 0.5, minn = 2, maxn = 200, 
    all = TRUE)

Sample Size:  65
Total Average Error:  0.2482418

Acceptable sample size determined!

> detach(f1)
> # create plot of Total Error
> plot(ss1)
> # create plot of Average Type-I Error
> plot(ss1,y="AE1",alpha.line=FALSE)
> abline(h=0.05,lty=2)
null device 