Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Subset a 'bammdata' object
subsetEventDataR Documentation

Subset a bammdata object


Subsets a bammdata object. Returns a bammdata object after extracting a specified set of samples from the posterior.


subsetEventData(ephy, index)



An object of class bammdata.


A vector of integers corresponding to samples to be extracted from the posterior distribution of shift configurations included in the bammdata object.


This will result in an error if you attempt to access samples that do not exist in the ephy data object. For example, if your bammdata object includes 100 samples from a posterior distribution sampled with BAMM, you can only attempt to subset with index values 1:100.


Dan Rabosky

See Also

plot.bammdata, getCohortMatrix, image


data(whales, events.whales)
ed <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, nsamples=500)
ed2 <- subsetEventData(ed, index=1)
addBAMMshifts(ed2, cex=2)


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> library(BAMMtools)
Loading required package: ape
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/BAMMtools/subsetEventData.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: subsetEventData
> ### Title: Subset a 'bammdata' object
> ### Aliases: subsetEventData
> ### Keywords: manip
> ### ** Examples
> data(whales, events.whales)
> ed <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, nsamples=500)
Processing event data from data.frame

Discarded as burnin: GENERATIONS <  0
Analyzing  500  samples from posterior

Setting recursive sequence on tree...

Done with recursive sequence

> ed2 <- subsetEventData(ed, index=1)
> plot(ed2) 
> addBAMMshifts(ed2, cex=2)
null device 