Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Pulls out a subtree from 'bammdata' object
subtreeBAMMR Documentation

Pulls out a subtree from bammdata object


Given a set of tips or a node, this function extracts the corresponding subtree from the bammdata object. User should specify either a set of tips or a node, and the node will overwrite the tips if both are given.


subtreeBAMM(ephy, tips = NULL, node = NULL)



An object of class bammdata.


An integer or character vector indicating which tips (more than one) to be included in the subtree.


An integer indicating the root of the subtree to be extracted, and it must correspond to an innernode on the tree.


This function allows users to extract a subtree from a big bammdata object, and examine the subset using plot.bammdata


An object of class bammdata.


Huateng Huang

See Also

getmrca, plot.bammdata


data(whales, events.whales)
ephy <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, burnin=0.25, nsamples=500)

# specify a set of tips for the subtree
tips <- sample(ephy$tip.label,size=20,replace=FALSE)
subphy <- subtreeBAMM(ephy,tips=tips)

# specify a innernode for subsetting
subphy <- subtreeBAMM(ephy,node=103)

# plot the subtree


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> library(BAMMtools)
Loading required package: ape
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/BAMMtools/subtreeBAMM.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: subtreeBAMM
> ### Title: Pulls out a subtree from 'bammdata' object
> ### Aliases: subtreeBAMM
> ### Keywords: graphics
> ### ** Examples
> data(whales, events.whales)
> ephy <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, burnin=0.25, nsamples=500)
Processing event data from data.frame

Discarded as burnin: GENERATIONS <  2495000
Analyzing  500  samples from posterior

Setting recursive sequence on tree...

Done with recursive sequence

> # specify a set of tips for the subtree
> tips <- sample(ephy$tip.label,size=20,replace=FALSE)
> subphy <- subtreeBAMM(ephy,tips=tips)
> # specify a innernode for subsetting
> subphy <- subtreeBAMM(ephy,node=103)
> # plot the subtree
> plot(subphy)
null device 