Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Creates an interface to the BiGG database, provides a...
BiGGR-packageR Documentation

Creates an interface to the BiGG database, provides a framework for simulation and produces flux graphs


This package provides an interface to simulate metabolic reconstruction from the BiGG database( and other metabolic reconstruction databases. The package aids in performing flux balance analysis (FBA). Metabolic networks and estimated fluxes can be visualized using hypergraphs.


Package: BiGGR
Type: Package
Version: 0.99.0
Date: 2013-07-10
Depends: R (>= 2.14.0), rsbml, hyperdraw, LIM
Imports: hypergraph
License: GPL (>=2)
Copyright: see inst/COPYRIGHTS for the license of the BiGG database
biocViews: NetworkAnalysis, Visualization, Metabolomics
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2013-08-05 12:44:08 UTC; hettling
Built: R 3.0.0; ; 2013-08-05 12:44:22 UTC; unix


E.coli_iAF1260                                              Ecoli dataset with ORFs and thermodynamic information
E.coli_iJR904                                               Ecoli genome-scale model
Glycolysis                                                  Metabolic reconstruction of Glycolysis pathway
H.pylori_ilT341                                             H.pylori in silico genome-scale characterization of single and double deletion mutants
H.sapiens_Recon_1                                           Reconstruction of human metabolism from the BiGG database
M.barkeri_iAF692                                            Metabolic reconstruction of M.barkeri from the BiGG database
Recon2                                                      Human metabolic reconstruction Recon2
S.aureus_iSB619                                             Metabolic reconstruction of S.aureus from the BiGG database
S.cerevisiae_iND750                                         Metabolic reconstruction of S.cerevisiae from the BiGG database
buildSBMLFromBiGG                                           Build an SBML model from a given reactions file obtained from the BiGG database
buildSBMLFromGenes                                          Build an SBML model for specific genes in a given database
buildSBMLFromPathways                                       Build an SBML model for specific pathway(s) in a given database
buildSBMLFromReactionIDs                                    Build an SBML model for specific reactions in a given database
createLIMFromBiGG                                           Create a LIM model object from a BiGG database file
createLIMFromSBML                                           Create a LIM model object from an SBML file
extractGeneAssociations                                     Extract informations on genes from a given database
extractPathways                                             Extract all pathways from given database
getPathwaysForSBML                                          Extract all pathways from a database that are relevant for a given SBML model
getRates                                                    Get Optimized Rates
sbml2hyperdraw                                              Returns a graph representation of an SBML model

Further information is available in the following vignettes:

BiGGR BiGGR (source, pdf)


Anand K. Gavai, Hannes Hettling

Maintainer: Anand K. Gavai <>, Hannes Hettling <>

See Also



# library("BiGGR")


##load reaction identifiers from package examples <- system.file("extdata", 
reaction.ids <- scan(, what=" ")

##load database

##build SBML model
sbml.model <- buildSBMLFromReactionIDs(reaction.ids, H.sapiens_Recon_1)

##following term is to be maximized
maximize <- "R_ATPS4m - R_NDPK1m - R_HEX1 - R_PFK - R_PGK + R_PYK"

##specify the external metabolites of the system
externals <- c("M_glc_DASH_D_e", "M_lac_DASH_L_e",
		   "M_ala_DASH_L_e", "M_gln_DASH_L_c", "M_h2o_e",
		   "M_co2_e", "M_o2_e", "M_h_e", "M_pi_c",
		   "M_o2s_m", "M_nh4_m", "M_adp_c",
		   "M_atp_c", "M_nadp_c", "M_nadph_c", "M_h_c")
##specify the values of following fluxes: 
##R_GLCt1r=0.4, R_O2t=2.4, R_L_LACt2r=R_GLNtm=0

equation.vars <- c("R_GLCt1r", "R_O2t", "R_L_LACt2r", "R_GLNtm")
equation.values <- c(0.4, 2.4, 0.0, 0.0)
eqns <- list(equation.vars, equation.values)

##create LIM file <- tempfile()
createLIMFromSBML(sbml.model, maximize, equations=eqns,

rates <- getRates(

relevant.species <- c("M_glc_DASH_D_c", "M_g6p_c", "M_f6p_c", 
				  "M_fdp_c", "M_dhap_c", "M_g3p_c", 
				  "M_13dpg_c", "M_3pg_c", "M_2pg_c", 
				  "M_pep_c", "M_pyr_c")
##generate graphical representation
hd <- sbml2hyperdraw(sbml.model, rates=rates, 
				 layoutType="dot", plt.margins=c(20, 0, 20, 0))

##plot hypergraph


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> library(BiGGR)
Error in library(BiGGR) : there is no package called 'BiGGR'
Execution halted