Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Reconstruction of human metabolism from the BiGG database
H.sapiens_Recon_1R Documentation

Reconstruction of human metabolism from the BiGG database


The dataset was generated by downloading the SBML file of the reconstruction ( which was subsequently converted into an object of class SBML using the rsbml_read function from the rsbml package.




An sbml object of class rsbml


Note that the files in the BiGG database fail the unit consistancy check of the rsbml_read function. To avoid unit checking when creating SBML objects, the substance units in the reaction tags were parsed out from the database SBML files (see example below).



Duarte, N.D., Becker, S. A., Jamshidi, N., Thiele, I., Mo, M. L., Vo, T. D., Srivas, R., Palsson, B. O., Global reconstruction of the human metabolic network based on genomic and bibliomic data, Proc. Nat Acad. Sci. 104(6):1777-82 (2007)


## Not run: 
##The dataset was generated as follows:
##SBML_export.xml was downloaded from
##and a newline was added at the end of the file
file <- "SBML_export.xml"
string <- paste(readLines(file), collapse="\n")
##Parse out units to avoid validation error
string <- gsub("units=".+?"", "", string)
H.sapiens_Recon_1 <- rsbml_read(text=string) 

## End(Not run)

##load data and get all reaction IDs
model <- H.sapiens_Recon_1@model
##get all reaction identifiers
sapply(model@reactions, id)


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> library(BiGGR)
Error in library(BiGGR) : there is no package called 'BiGGR'
Execution halted